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Clamwin with Sentinel


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Someone had mentioned ClamWin in another post and it had been awhile

since I had seen it, so I grabbed it and set it up. I am always looking for a lighter foot print on

my system, and this seems to fall into that catagory.

Now I will admit the gui is not pretty or flashy, but all the bells and whistles are there, at least for me.

The one addition to this program is the capability for real time scanning.

Enter Clam Sentinel. Now when I last used ClamWin, this little ditty was not an option.

Clam Sentinel works with the clamwin engine to scan downloads and any other incoming

surprises. I have it set up, and I have tested its' functionality. Seems to work just fine.

I was wondering if anyone else had tried this recently and what your opinions of it are.

ClamWin with Clam Sentinel. Open source code projects, free, and functional.

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You should now that as much as I admire ClamWin (being open-source and all), it offers little to no protection against modern day threats.

If you're looking for something lightweight, free and offers adequate protection I suggest you try Microsoft's Security Essentials 2.1, I been using it for quite some time now on different PCs and I can vouch for it.

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Ok, first off, my bad. I was just wanting to chat about this one since it had been awhile since I had seen it.

If this was put into the wrong forum, I do apologize.

Second, IrCore, you are welcome. I found it when I was reading about ClamWin. I had em both set up, and

it worked just fine on my end.

Third, to Lohengrin, thank you for the opinion on MS Essential Security. I went ahead, even though I am usually

skeptical about MS in general, reach out and grabbed the program. The set up was very easy, and it seems to be a good all around

real time and on demand scanner. The only thing of note is the need to be carefull. This set up turned on my Microsoft auto update.

I have this module turned off because I manually control what comes into my system area. Before I knew it, it was already downloading system updates.

It also gave me an ad during set up wanting me to get the latest version of IE. Since I do not use IE, I dismissed it. Aside from the reach into my system security choices,

I am also liking the MS Essential. Seems to be very light on the system, I was able to configure the scanning for my needs, and the reviews that I read show it to be

a medium of the road, to an upper level protection shield. Again, this depends as much on the user as the program.

All, in all, I am satisfied with this one as well, and it is currently running as I am typing this response.

Thank you to this forum for ALL the information that I manage to get. I have more fun screwing with my system because of this forum. ^5 :clap:

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Third, to Lohengrin, thank you for the opinion on MS Essential Security. I went ahead, even though I am usually

skeptical about MS in general, reach out and grabbed the program. The set up was very easy, and it seems to be a good all around

real time and on demand scanner. The only thing of note is the need to be carefull. This set up turned on my Microsoft auto update.

I have this module turned off because I manually control what comes into my system area. Before I knew it, it was already downloading system updates.

It also gave me an ad during set up wanting me to get the latest version of IE. Since I do not use IE, I dismissed it. Aside from the reach into my system security choices,

I am also liking the MS Essential. Seems to be very light on the system, I was able to configure the scanning for my needs, and the reviews that I read show it to be

a medium of the road, to an upper level protection shield. Again, this depends as much on the user as the program.

All, in all, I am satisfied with this one as well, and it is currently running as I am typing this response.

Thank you to this forum for ALL the information that I manage to get. I have more fun screwing with my system because of this forum. ^5 :clap:

Yeah, I forgot to mention the automatic update thing, my bad :D

Anyways, I'm glad you like it and I think give enough time you'd appreciate it even more, good luck ;)

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