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How to "rip" the real install file from GOTD wrapper


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Getting rid of the GOTD Wrapper

I guess most of you are aware of the site


They give you 24h time to download normally commercial software for free,and install it during that period.

If you try to install the application from GOTD's setup file after the offer is offer,you can't... (server check)

Well.. you can...

There's kinda two options...

First one is to download the package from GOTD's site and see if the readme.txt file inside the archive has an serial or registration info,

write that down and head over to the program in question's official web-site,and download a trial if avail.

Install it,and enter the registration info given on the GOTD package.

Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't..

Second option which works 100% is...

1.After downloading the setup package from GOTD site,unzip/unrar it,but don't run it yet!

2.Press Windows key+R (Run),type there: %temp% (enter)

3.Notice down the size of the GOTD wrapper setup.exe file and execute it...

4.Take a constant look at your %temp% directory in windows system which u earlier opened (described in 2.)

5.You will eventually see similar size file in your %temp% directory under a bogus name like "we2FBA9.tmp"

the file has always .tmp template!

6. Copy that file out of that directory to another location,after that cancel the GOTD wrapper setup.

(It will then delete all the files it created in the temp directory..)

7.Quit/Close GOTD setup wrapper and head to the location where you copied (in this example) the file "we2FBA9.tmp"

8.Rename that file as setup.EXE or anything you like. (as long as the extension is EXE :) )

9.Run it,install and use the registration info given the original GOTD package!

10. Enjoy,now you can install that software with LEGITIMATE LICENSE on any given time on any computer!

This method was found out by me,after trying to struggle out with the GOTD wrapper in a debugger..

Instead I started to monitor all the changes made on my system while the wrapper is running.

edit: You can always extract the real setup.exe file with method 2,but upon installing it it may stay trial

(if no registration info were given on the GOTD package readme.txt file..)

This means the GOTD wrapper fetches the registration info "on-the-fly" from the internet and writes the license

information in your windows registry or on some file.

If that is the case,you have to monitor the install with something like "Total Uninstall" to see what it writes and where..

edit2: Sometimes you get full retail packages without the need to do any registrations after using the method 2. ;)

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Staff Note: A few posts were deleted.

What's wrong with you, fighting like children? Please, be civil and provide useful feedback, or if there is something against the rules, report it. That's all.

Please continue the discussion in this thread related to its subject from now on.

Thank you!
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Staff Note: A few posts were deleted.

What's wrong with you, fighting like children? Please, be civil and provide useful feedback, or if there is something against the rules, report it. That's all.

Please continue the discussion in this thread related to its subject from now on.

Thank you!

? did i miss something?
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where is the warpper anyway ? :blink:

In the archive which you download off GOTD's site.. it's called setup.exe .. the wrapper extracts .tmp files in your %temp% directory and then connects to

internet to verify if the offer is still available..

Sometimes the package also includes "activate.exe" to get the software licensed (online) after the installation,but I haven't seen them using that for a while now,

after a lot of people complained to them, having problems in getting the applications registered.

So instead,they seem to include now the registration information on a readme.txt file included in the archive package.

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where is the warpper anyway ? :blink:

In the archive which you download off GOTD's site.. it's called setup.exe .. the wrapper extracts .tmp files in your %temp% directory and then connects to

internet to verify if the offer is still available..

Sometimes the package also includes "activate.exe" to get the software licensed (online) after the installation,but I haven't seen them using that for a while now,

after a lot of people complained to them, having problems in getting the applications registered.

So instead,they seem to include now the registration information on a readme.txt file included in the archive package.

10X for the info , i will (maybe) try it on this mamutu to see if its works :dance2:

Who was fighting ? Cmon .. don't delete those posts, I love fights :D


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where is the warpper anyway ? :blink:

In the archive which you download off GOTD's site.. it's called setup.exe .. the wrapper extracts .tmp files in your %temp% directory and then connects to

internet to verify if the offer is still available..

Sometimes the package also includes "activate.exe" to get the software licensed (online) after the installation,but I haven't seen them using that for a while now,

after a lot of people complained to them, having problems in getting the applications registered.

So instead,they seem to include now the registration information on a readme.txt file included in the archive package.

10X for the info , i will (maybe) try it on this mamutu to see if its works :dance2:


go HERE for GOTD serial for mamutu,

You can't extract the .exe file off the wrapper if the offer has passed (does a server check and compares offer ID with their servers)

,you will get only a notice about "this offer is no more" or such.

Looking at the wrapper atm,found where it does the check,maybe i can come up with a generic patch for any older GOTD setups which won't work anymore,due

to server check..

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Kojootti that sound interesting , looking forward to see what came out of this mate B)

good luck !!

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  • 1 month later...

where is the warpper anyway ? :blink:

In the archive which you download off GOTD's site.. it's called setup.exe .. the wrapper extracts .tmp files in your %temp% directory and then connects to

internet to verify if the offer is still available..

Sometimes the package also includes "activate.exe" to get the software licensed (online) after the installation,but I haven't seen them using that for a while now,

after a lot of people complained to them, having problems in getting the applications registered.

So instead,they seem to include now the registration information on a readme.txt file included in the archive package.

10X for the info , i will (maybe) try it on this mamutu to see if its works :dance2:


go HERE for GOTD serial for mamutu,

You can't extract the .exe file off the wrapper if the offer has passed (does a server check and compares offer ID with their servers)

,you will get only a notice about "this offer is no more" or such.

Looking at the wrapper atm,found where it does the check,maybe i can come up with a generic patch for any older GOTD setups which won't work anymore,due

to server check..

Sorry to possibly revive this post, but I've decided to try to install some GOTD's that I downloaded a few years back (i.e. I was going there each day, downloading them ready for when I wanted them and not knowing how the install worked, until now, doh!!)

So, I have searched, got the way to get the files out of 'some' of the install files, going from .tmp to exe.. but there are some that you can't...

Has anybody anywhere found a way to 'patch' the install files and/or an 'unwrapper' of the files?


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I use GAOTD Setup Keeper (half of the steps above, same result). :dance2: :lol:


Try the Setup Keeper. ;) But the big problem could be that the setup can`t be kept. Because

you only can use it at the day where the setup was offered, i have not tested it so could be

a wrong suggestions.. :lol:

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I use GAOTD Setup Keeper (half of the steps above, same result). :dance2: :lol:


Try the Setup Keeper. ;) But the big problem could be that the setup can`t be kept. Because

you only can use it at the day where the setup was offered, i have not tested it so could be

a wrong suggestions.. :lol:

I Tired it, but all it appears to do it save you looking for the 'tmp' file.. it doesn't help with the ones that are still wrapped and speak to the server before continuing? unless I'm using it wrong.

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  • 10 months later...

GOTD and GAOTD now use a rootkit called Themida. They 'claim' this leaves nothing on the computer after install which is entirely untrue. Themida is a TCP/IP rootkit and if anything goes wrong using Themida, it can leave you without an Internet connection, until you download and run ComboFix or get a professional PC repair. Themida can also be used by malware to infect your PC, steal your data and use your PC for malicious purposes.

You can remove Themida after each GOTD/GAOTD install using ComboFix, but it takes some while to run, and requires a PC restart to restore your internet connection, so is extremely inconvenient.

My advice is to avoid GOTD and GAOTD like the Plague, until they use some other non-intrusive and non-rootkit protection.

If you don't know, a rootkit is very deeply hidden software (that is hidden from you the user) that you have no control over, can be used by any software including viruses and other malware and is remarkably difficult to remove from your PC.

I think it is very unfair on all of the GOTD/GAOTD site users that GOTD are not being open and honest about the new wrapper Themida.

Either they do not fully understand how the wrapper works or they are keeping information from GOTD and GAOTD users.

Themida is a rootkit which is installed on the computer. It may only be active during installs, but contrary to their statements, as an IT professional, it remains present on your PC and I have absolute proof that this is the case.

Perhaps they have been misinformed about how Themida works, otherwise they are not being completely truthful, which is entirely reprehensible.

As a previous post to the same effect was moderated out by GOTD , as was this post I know absolutely for certain that they have something to hide.

GOTD and GAOTD has previously had a very good reputation but they seem to be doing all they can to destroy this previously excellent reputation.

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Isn't Thamida just a protector used by devs (crack devs too I believe) to prevent people from getting the source code?

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