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foobar2000 0.9.5 Beta 3


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foobar2000.pngFoobar2000 is an advanced audio player for the Windows platform. Some of the basic features include Replay Gain support, a low-memory footprint, and native support for several popular audio formats. Features include open-component architecture, allowing third-party developers to extend functionality of the player; built-in support for WAV, AIFF, VOC, AU, SND, Ogg Vorbis, MPC, MP2, MP3, MPEG-4 AAC, FLAC, OggFLAC, Monkey's Audio, WavPack, Speex, CDDA, TFMX, and SPC; support through third-party plug-ins; extraction on-the-fly from RAR; 7-Zip and ZIP archives; full Unicode support on Windows NT; efficient handling of large playlists; a highly customizable playlist display; and customizable keyboard shortcuts.


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Found Some very nice skins for the player.

Its a link to Deviantart. Quite a bit old news but for ppl like me who didnt know foobar could also look like these it would be quite a nice surprise.

Check out the Skins Here

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you need the latest version of the foo_looks component (1.07)

install that to your foobar/components/ folder

then pick a skin, and extract that in foobar/components/foo_looks

then run foobar, go to preferences > components > looks

set a primary & secondary skin

then on the foobar Components menu, select Look > Activate

Unfortunately .. its looks more complicated than that.

First.. have to google foo_looks to download the dll.

Then the most common is v2.1 and the only other one i got was v1.08

But with both I get

Failed to load DLL: foo_looks.dll
Reason: This component is missing a required dependency, or was made for different version of foobar2000.

Have not done much troubleshooting...

Am checking...

Any inputs would be valuable.

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