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Do you think the world will end in 2012?


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This question is for all people. Both religious and scientific evidence points to the date December 21, 2012 or at least the year 2012.

Of the individuals or entities which predict extremely critical events, a great change, or an apocalyptic event are/were:

The Mayans (Mayan Calendar)


The Fatima prophecy (in Catholic Portugal, early 1900s) (in it there is mention of war, terrorism, conflict, storms, fires, floods, etc. we’re getting everything at a rate unseen before in centuries. Iceland and Ireland volcanoes, flooding in Australia, increased blizzards and flooding across the world, earthquakes of even larger scales at rapid rates Chile, Haiti. Pakistan’s flood. Sinkholes in Montrael Canada and China. etc)

Albert Einstein

WebBot 2.0 (a computer system, which predicted a disaster in the year 2001. It couldn’t say what or when but it did say a terrible tragedy or disaster would occur. we got 9/11)

Science evidence also shows increased solar activity

A meteor is nearing Earth in 2012

Earth intersects some equator of the galaxy (increased gamma-ray activity)

So, do you or do not believe it will end and why?

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There is not much time 'till that...

We will all see it. ^_^

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"The Mayans (Mayan Calendar)" - what they say is a "great change" will occur. That could be either good or bad

"Nostradamus" - his prophecies was only realized after the event happened and used a little "creative reasoning".

"The Fatima prophecy (in Catholic Portugal, early 1900s) (in it there is mention of war, terrorism, conflict, storms, fires, floods, etc. we’re getting everything at a rate unseen before in centuries. Iceland and Ireland volcanoes, flooding in Australia, increased blizzards and flooding across the world, earthquakes of even larger scales at rapid rates Chile, Haiti. Pakistan’s flood. Sinkholes in Montrael Canada and China. etc)" - most of this is nothing new, happens all the time just not "publicized" like it has been recently

"Albert Einstein" - that "quote" “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.”

Could be anytime, not just next year, and I have seen more than enough bees to realize this is not going to happen in my lifetime or my grandchilds.

"WebBot 2.0 (a computer system, which predicted a disaster in the year 2001. It couldn’t say what or when but it did say a terrible tragedy or disaster would occur. we got 9/11)" - 9/11 is only a tragedy for the US, everyone else sees it as another day of the week. IE: The US couldn't care less about Bastille Day, even though to the French see it as national holiday

"Science evidence also shows increased solar activity" - Happens every 7 years

'A meteor is nearing Earth in 2012" - Hundreds of meteors have come "close" to Earth

"Earth intersects some equator of the galaxy (increased gamma-ray activity)" - How can people predict something that has not happened in anyones lifetime

People who buy into this, bought into Y2K, or 1984. Gonna be another day of the week. See ya on Dec. 22, 2012

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Oh God please push shutdown button a few years later...

I want to see KIS 2012+Win8 Ultimate+TU7+Prevx5 :D

(who doesn't want?!!)

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It was nice to meet you all. :P

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LOLNO. Silly media exaggerating every crap, even with a Mayan calendar that ran out of space for more dates.

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Local weather forecast: partly cloudy followed by rain, frogs, locus, and then the four horsemen of the apocalypse later in the evening....

Now is it rape then pillage, or pillage first?

I always get that confused.

If the good lord wants to shake this planet like a giant etch a sketch, not much to be done to stop it.

Might as well party. :party:

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Oh God please push shutdown button a few years later...

I want to see KIS 2012+Win8 Ultimate+TU7+Prevx5 :D

(who doesn't want?!!)

hahaha..funny guy..

me tooo waiting for kis 2012.. :dance2:

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FINALLY.. I can relax.. WOOHOO.. and all is well because non of it matters anyway.. :party: LOL.. who knows.. sure woudl cover up the wreck of the whole thing...

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Maybe we should requestTR by BOX Or a solid patch by TONY Blair ..for this "The world will end in 2012" ?? yeah so what do you all :think:


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  • 6 months later...

I'm hoping that if it ends, it does so on the 22-nd. Kind of lame to have the world end on your birthday. :P

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hmmmm.... this may be my excuse to order some Shure SE535's... if the world is going to end might as well get what i want.

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I'm hoping that if it ends, it does so on the 22-nd. Kind of lame to have the world end on your birthday. :P

Happy Birth......*poof*

Yeah, that would kinda suck...but you could probably get a great deal on party rentals

for the day, or half day...lololol

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I'm a firm believer in the ancient astronaut theory...it would take me pages and pages to explain. Quickest way to understand would be to watch the 1st season of the show Ancient Aliens from the history channel...and then the following seasons where they go into great detail. That being said, I believe that the Mayan long count calender ending on 12-22-12 is NOT about the end of the world...it is about the return of the extraterrestrials that left this planet in ancient times. To many this sounds like utter fantasy...all I can say is watch the first season of Ancient Aliens with an OPEN and LOGICAL mindset and you will be astounded. This theory has been building ever since the 70's when Eric Von Daniken's book, Chariots of the Gods made a lot of people say 'What if?'. Seasons 2 and 3 go into much greater detail...season 1 is sort of a summary but it will leave you wanting to find out more...much more. ;)

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No. (That is all that is needed to answer the OP).

I will join in with this answer.

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Yup, it wont end.

However, shit is piling up so fast that something major is definitely going to happen pretty soon.

WW3 , fake alien invasion, total economic meltdown.

End result will be one world government (total tyranny) or we're going back to the pre-industrial age.

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