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[ UPDATE - 2 ] Test Your Computer's Security - How well are you protected ?


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1) - Spycar


What is Spycar?
Spycar is a suite of tools designed to mimic spyware-like behavior, but in a benign form. Intelguardians created Spycar so anyone could test the behavior-based defenses of an anti-spyware tool. Spycar runs only on Windows, the same platform most targeted by spyware developers.

What does Spycar do?
The following links are Spycar. Clicking on each of the links will make Spycar try to take some benign action on your system. When you first run it, Spycar will ask you to name a test profile, a small file where we'll store state information about a given series of Spycar tests you perform. Then, when you click on each link, Spycar works by pushing a Windows executable to your browser. Currently, Spycar runs only on Windows, and its browser-centric alterations focus on IE, although it can be triggered by any Windows browser (Firefox-altering Spycar modules will be released soon!).

Spycar does not include any exploits, so you must click "OK" in the message that appears in your browser to run the given Spycar function. If, after you click "OK", your anti-spyware tool blocks the given Spycar action, good for you! If not, this benign alteration will occur. Then, when you have clicked each of these links, you can click on the Results/Clean-Up link to have the Spycar tool called TowTruck automatically measure how your anti-spyware tool did, and to restore your machine to the pre-Spycar settings.

Note that we designed Spycar as a series of different links and associated executables. We did not make it a monolithic one-click-to-conduct-all-actions programs, because an anti-spyware tool may shut down a given program early on in its cycle, without letting Spycar accurately test later modules. That's why you have to click on each link, giving your anti-spyware tool a fair shot at stopping each individual action.

Spycar Tests

Spycar Homepage

2) -Shields UP

Without your knowledge or explicit permission, the Windows networking technology which connects your computer to the Internet may be offering some or all of your computer's data to the entire world at this very moment!


GRC Shields UP Test

3) - DNS Nameserver Spoofability Test

Can you trust your Domain Name Servers?
You and your web browser would believe you were at your banking site.
You entered the URL correctly, or used a reliable link or shortcut. Everything
would look right. But you would be logged onto a malicious foreign web site
which was ready and able to capture your private banking information.

DNS Spoofability test

4) -Symantec Security Check


Symantec Security Test

5) -PC Security Test


PC Security Test is a free program for Windows that checks computer security against viruses, spyware and hackers. With a few mouse clicks, users can easily control the efficiency of their protection software (anti-virus programs, spyware scanners and firewalls).
PC Security Test simulates virus, spyware and hacking attacks and monitors the responses of your protection software. Don't worry, no real viruses are involved !After the tests are complete, PC Securtiy computes a security index and provides tips on improving PC security.

Download PC Security Test


6) -PC Flanks Battery of Tests

PC Flanks Tests

7)- Security Scan from Audit My PC


scans done - Firewall Scanner , Privacy Scanner , Exploit Scanner

Audit My PC

8 ) -Test My PC Security Battery of Tests .

Test My PC Security has a wide range of downloadable firewall leak and HIPS tests so you can find out just how good your security software is.

Firewall Leak Tests – Firewall leak tests are written to test how effective the firewall component of your security software is at detecting and blocking outgoing connection attempts. If a program is able to connect to the internet without your knowledge then it is capable of transmitting any private data you may have on your machine. The techniques used by these programs are sophisticated but are representative of real world threats – so your firewall needs to block them.

HIPS Tests – Tests designed to check how well your security software protects your internal system from attack by malicious executables such as viruses. A good HIPS system will restrict access to your critical operating system files, registry keys, COM interfaces and running processes. It should block untrusted processes from modifying the memory space of other programs and stop malware whenever it tries to install itself.

Firewall Leak and HIPS tests – These tests are designed to test both of the above at the same time (both the Firewall and Host Intrusion Prevention components of your software).

Download Complete Set of tests (Zip )

Individual Tests

Home Page

9) -Belarc Advisor - Free Personal PC Audit

The Belarc Advisor builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware, missing Microsoft hotfixes, anti-virus status, CIS (Center for Internet Security) benchmarks, and displays the results in your Web browser. All of your PC profile information is kept private on your PC and is not sent to any web server.spacer.gif

Download BelArc Security Advisor

BelArc Home Page

10) - Qualys Browser Check


Perform a security analysis of your browser and its installed and missing plug ins and / or any other security patches
or any other security issues .

Qualys Browser Check

11) - Browser Spy

BrowserSpy.dk is a collection of online tests that shows you just how much personal information can be collected from your browser just by visiting a page.

BrowserSpy.dk can tell you all kinds of detailed information about you and your browser. Information ranging from simple stuff like the name and version of your browser to more detailed stuff like what kind of fonts you have installed and what hardware you're running on.

You name it, BrowserSpy.dk shows it!

When you surf around the internet your browser leaves behind a trail of digital footprints. Websites can use these footprints to check your system. BrowserSpy.dk is a service where you can check just what information it's possible to gather from your system, just by visiting a website.Privacy to the ultimate test!

Browser Spy

12) - Eicar Test File

The Eicar Test file ,
your anti virus should alert you to both the files when you click on them .

if it doesnt ,
let them download , and then extract them or use them or scan your pc with your AV scanner .

if working ,
your AV scanner should alert you this ( FAKE ) threat ...

Eicar2com test Zip


13) - Firewall Leak Tester


Download Firewall Leak Test

Leak Test Home Page

14) - Zemana Logging Tests .

These test programs simulate the activities of different loggers. If your security software is protecting you proactively, then the simulation should trigger a warning message.

No warning means no proactive protection... and probably no protection at all!

If the simulation does not trigger a warning, then your current security software does not protect you .


15) - Spy Shelter Security Test Tool


Download Spy Shelter Test

Spy Shelter Home Page

16) - BufferZone Security Test Tool


In the following demo, we will simulate what will happen when you receive a malicious file. It could come in through any number of ways: browsing, as an email attachment, from a USB storage device, just to name a few.

We will attempt to prove that none of your security system's defense layers will identify or alert you to our intrusion attempt.

Note: This is only a demo and no actual damage will be caused to your PC.

Download Test File

BufferZone Test Homepage

17) - Matousec Security Software Testing Suite


Security Software Testing Suite (SSTS) is a set of tools used for testing Windows security software that implement application-based security – i.e. most of the Internet security suites, HIPS, personal firewalls, behavior blockers etc. SSTS is based on the idea of independent programs that attempt to bypass various features of the security software. Each test of SSTS is directed against a single feature or against a few closely connected features of the security software.

Download SSTS.

Matousec SSTS Homepage

18) - RUBotted - Test if your PC is Acting like a BOT .


RUBotted monitors your computer for potential infection and suspicious activities associated with bots. Bots are malicious files that enable cybercriminals to secretly take control of your computer.

As more bots secretly take control of computers and use these infected machines in malicious activities, bot networks are becoming more resilient. The emergence of new bot families and the continued proliferation of some of the threat landscape's most notorious botnets only reinforce the need for a reliable solution against botnets.
It is capable of detecting known and unknown variants of known botnet families including some of the most notorious botnets today:

  • ZBOT/ZeuS – bank information stealer
  • KOOBFACE – most successful Web 2.0 botnet
  • WALEDAC – infamous spamming bot

Download RUBotted

RUBotted Homepage

19) Comodo Tests ( Thanks to Alienforce1)

Comodo Parent Injection Leak Test Suite (contains 3 Tests)
The CPIL suite contains three separate tests especially developed by Comodo engineers to test a firewall's protection against parent injection leak attacks


Download CPIL --


Comodo HIPS and Firewall Leak Test Suite (contains 5 tests)
Comodo's latest suite of tests cover a wider range of exploits and will tell quickly inform you if your computer is vulnerable to Root kits, Background Intelligent Transfer attacks and process injection attacks.

Download HIPS and Firewall Test

20) Phish Test


Verify the authenticity of a URL with this online live tool .
suspect a link to be Phishy test it here . and see if its been reported a web forgery or not .

other way to use the tool is to check your system for Phishing safety .

copy a link from the website which has already been reported to be a web forgery .

open it in your browser and see if you get any alerts .


PS-- please read all the instructions on a tests web site thoroughly and completely before running or performing a test .
the post can not be held responsible for any loss of data , loss of system stability , system crashes , BSOD, system failures
or for that reason , any thing that may arise while or after performing a test .!! tongue.gif

nothing serious , just a random precautionary statement ,
all tests are safe .
go ahead and try them and test your system ... cool.gif

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  • Replies 51
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What an excellent post! Thank you very much for the time it took to put this together.

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:rockon: Fantastic. Very nice list and all in one place. I do not know if this will count for anything,

but if maybe an admin could sticky this, I think it would be a good thing. As a mozilla FF user

with add-ons, most of those tests will not run unless I allow them to. Having said that, it is still

very nice to check my set up across multiple sites.

Once again, thank you.

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That's really nice :dance2: .+1 for u.

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@ Majithia23

good job in compiling this tests/sites .... topic pinned :)

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thanks guys ... :)

had all these tools/links collected and bookmarked , over quite some time ,

but found them while day cleaning the browser ....

so thought of compiling them together and obviously then sharing it ...

( else what would be the use of compiling .... ^_^ )

you can be sure of running a well tuned setup ,

but its always a feel good factor and reassuring to test it and see some warning sounds and alert messages ... ! B)

PS -- Added a few more Tests ...!

i ll keep checking and if found , more will be added to the list ..

>>if any other member also has an interesting tool / application / resource , for testing ,

share it with us .... :)

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pc security test 2011

virus protection:

ESET SS 4 : 75%

KIS 2011 : 55 %


ESET SS 4 : 0% (?)

KIS 2011 : 0 % (?)


ESET SS 4 : 100%

KIS 2011 : 100 %

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  • 1 month later...

IF any of you have installed the Finjan/M86 Security Labs Extension in Firefox.. I would suggest removing it and opening the prefs.js file for the profile you have it installed in... Then take a look at the entries which are left behind.. May be a good idea to remove all of the entries for Finjan in that area... I have attached the file... which is an excerpt almost to big for an attachment...for your viewing pleasure..

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  • 2 months later...

thanks to Alienforce ..

for the comodo tests ...

+1 ;)

first post edited .....

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  • 1 month later...

hello people sorry to posting this actually when you installing pc security test it will install 2 malware test file in c:\windows and c:\windows\system or system32 folder. namely system.exe and virus2.exe. if your antiwhatever does not detected the manually scan for this file and upload it to online virus scan and check the result and delete it, thats it bye bye. :P

ps: thanks for the info nsane. (about the tools shared) :D

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Just updated the First post . :)

>Sanitized . Removed all dead tests .

>Edited . Formatted and unified the layout .

>Refreshed . Added new tests and new links to old tests .

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Very good. Thanks so much. byebye.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...
Malicious Web Site Blocked

You attempted to access:


This is a known malicious web site. It is recommended that

you do NOT visit this site. The detailed report explains the security risks on this site.

For your protection, this web site has been blocked. Visit Symantec to learn more about phishing and internet security.

Exit this site

Continue to web page anyway

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