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Run Files with a Sham Extension via Batch Script

Serial Killer

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Serial Killer

Hello, I have posted this tutorial as "Majid Pasha" in computing.net, Now I have decided to send it here, maybe It can help more people...

I want to learn you How to "Run files with a sham extension via batch script", for example you can change a text file extension to whatever you want, then run it properly!

Note: The good point of this way is that the new extension won't be changed at all. for example if you change .txt to .tsk , after running this code the extension will be .tsk without changing and you have your text file ran.

Now Think you have Me.txt, now you change its extension to mjk, then you have Me.mjk that won't be run at all. Here is the code to run such files:


Start "" "Path\File.ext"


Note: Do not change the format of this code, it should be like this.

Note: Replace "ext" with your own extension of your file, for example tsk. It can be more than 3 digits too.

Note: Replace "win" with a know extension in windows. for example txt or exe or cmd etc.


I have a text file which is located in C:\Info\, the filename is Killer.txt, Now I want to change its extension to tsk (The Serial Killer), then I have Killer.tsk, Now I can not run it :( So I should try my code in scripts :)


Start "" "C:\Info\Killer.tsk"


Now I can run my text file without changing its extension to .txt again. and as I told it before in the first Note it is the good point of this trick.

NOTE: This Trick is made by me, I read something like this trick sometimes ago, I have change it to a more greater trick, so This trick is made by me all over the net for the first time, remember this please ;)

NOTE: Please if you have learned something new and Useful from this tut, do not forget to VOTE (+1) it, By this way I can know how many people used my tut, Thanks :)

NOTE: Also It would be great if you can vote my tut, then I can know how much my tut is useful or great, Thanks :)

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Serial Killer

I will VOTE (+1) every reply which tell me a Usage of this Trick ;)

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