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If you just use your computer to chatt, surf and so on, maybe play some game. Then you should seriously try Linux! I can promise faster computer and sometime faster internet (windows reserves bandwith, prolly to make thoose backdoor updates).

So all of you, atleast try a live dvd/cd Linux and if your thinking of installing you should begin with Ubuntu.

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If you just use your computer to chatt, surf and so on, maybe play some game. Then you should seriously try Linux! I can promise faster computer and sometime faster internet (windows reserves bandwith, prolly to make thoose backdoor updates).

So all of you, atleast try a live dvd/cd Linux and if your thinking of installing you should begin with Ubuntu.

Yes, I agree. Linux is quickly becomeing a great alternitive to Windows for the NON-techies. I just finnished reading PC Mag's 18 SEPT article on Linux... If you get a chance, its a really good read.

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Fr.jack hackett

However, if ya have a lexmark, Dell or Brother printer then i hope you get yours sorted somehow. :unsure:

still, :) im no lover of Gatesian thinking so Mr TUX still has his Playpen Hd on this 'ere machine.

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Was the difrence between Lunix and Windows how does Lunix looks does it look like windows as in the theme... or is like MAC and cheep design lmao. some pictures would be great and simple info thank you im a noob. lol

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this is how the default looks in Mandriva with KDE (I'm pretty noob myself with linux so... installed it for almost a week ago, I wouldn't recommend Mandriva... if you wanna try, try Ubuntu)

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Was the difrence between Lunix and Windows how does Lunix looks does it look like windows as in the theme... or is like MAC and cheep design lmao. some pictures would be great and simple info thank you im a noob. lol

Check out http://shots.osdir.com/ lots and lots of screenshots of many Linux Distros

Generally there are 2 types of GUI's in Linux.. KDE and Gnome (my fav)

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I haven't tried Gnome... whats special about that one?





KDE (K Desktop Environment) project started in 1996 and GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) in 1997.

KDE is built with C++, while GNOME's developers chose to forego the purely object-oriented approach and coded their libraries in C.

An application is a 'KDE' or a 'GNOME' application if it uses the libraries (some of those supporting bits and pieces we mentioned earlier on) of KDE or GNOME respectively.

More InfoHere and Here

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WoW... i kindah like Windows more.. mainly because it has for 32bit like more games like Black Hawk Down and Call of Dutty stuff like that i would not know if Lunix would be able to play them kind of games plus the theme is kindah like MAC... lol :) you guys are cool by the way :dance2:

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I thinking of installing my old com with linux . But i not sure about the system compatibility.

My old com is pentium 3..

The system requirements for Ubuntu are as follows:

700 MHz or better processor

3GB of available disk space

256MB of memory (RAM)

CD-ROM drive

Ethernet interface

VGA graphics interface

If all of this sounds a tad high of spec, you may want to try Xubuntu. The system requirements for Xubuntu are as follows:

500 MHz or better processor

1.5GB of available disk space

192MB of memory (RAM) for installation but only 128 MB of RAM to run from the installation CD

CD-ROM drive

Ethernet interface

VGA graphics interface

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Minimum to install and run Slackware :), it needs a bit more to run X Windows System and network capabilites.

* 486 processor

* 16MB RAM (32MB suggested)

* 100-500 megabytes of hard disk space for a minimal and around 3.5GB for full install

* 3.5" floppy drive

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