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Nsane Site & Forums Update


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Awesome, good to see the site is still going strong and I still have my donator status :dance2:. Although I will probably donate again once the site is fully operational.

Keep up the great work guys.

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Small note, how do I change back the style of the old forum? I hate this black and white style - too much white and it bothers my eyes. I liked the old blue and white, the default style usually for the forums.

To change the theme back to the old version, look at the very bottom of the page where there is a dropdown menu, it says "Ip.Board.Pro", just click that dropdown menu and select "Ip.Board.Blue".

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thankyou admins. i know its hard work and one has to balance one's own life. anyway, its nice to see the filters over here hasnt gotten the two links yet :fool:

take care and be safe. btw is it still going to be link to the guys that was last hosting the sites? just curious. more freedom on some stuff. take care and be safe

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Thanks very much to you Lite and to the all Nsane Team to maintain this forum Online.

I appreciate it very much :dance2:

I will send some Euro to help you to open as soon as possible the Main Frontpage.

Have a nice WE. :fool:

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Jesus, I have only know this site for a week, and my god so much has happen man, it is like I have seen 4 years of events happen in a week.

But I am glad that this site will still be going strong. Thanks TeaM!!!

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You bloody beauty! Good job guys. I love this site & the forums, they are absolutely priceless!

I love the new URLs too :fool:

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Thanks very much to you Lite and to the all Nsane Team to maintain this forum Online.

I appreciate it very much :dance2:

Some Euro are in transit< :fool:

To Nsane: hope you be fine later and wish you all the best for the future. (miss you)

And now: 'Back to Business' :ph34r:

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there was simply no way this awesome site with it's people would just disappear :fool:

nice going ! :dance2:

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Im happy you guys decided to help keep the site up. I Also like the new theme. Ill try to Donate Asap.

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Thanks you all. I was really sad when I heard the news about Nsane, and today when I checked in, I saw this :fool:

How is Nsane anyway? Anyone talked to him?

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Great to hear you're back :fool: , sure I didn't expect it.

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i'll still drop in whenever i have time, i just won't be an active staff member for the time being. i even setup the old domain to redirect to the new one for you guys (so no need to worry about that) :dance2:

basically, i may do little stuff like release nod32 fix updates and whatnot. but i won't have time for actually managing the site and forums at the moment...

edit: it's weird having a warning level now -- on the site i founded :fool:

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i'll still drop in whenever i have time, i just won't be an active staff member for the time being. i even setup the old domain to redirect to the new one for you guys (so no need to worry about that) ;)

basically, i may do little stuff like release nod32 fix updates and whatnot. but i won't have time for actually managing the site and forums at the moment...

edit: it's weird having a warning level now -- on the site i founded :lol:

well...nice to see you did not jump off the face of the earth....nicer still see you will check in from time to time...even nicer than that you will now have time to work on all the stuff of life too...I'd tell you come to Cuba with me in January but that would just add to your troubles being an American and all....But i think you need to sit on a beach drink rum and smoke cigars and take in all the bikinis....(some just wear bottoms) :dance2:

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