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Nsane Site & Forums Update


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News.pngAs you perhaps know there was a recent annoucement by nsane stating he was no longer going to keep the site online owing to some personal issues. However, the staff are pleased to announce the return of nsane forums and soon to be return the frontpage.

We have made several changes to the forums including upgrading to the latest version of the forum software and added a new default forum skin. We hope you like these changes.

Owing to nsane’s current leave of absence some changes have had to be made to the structure of the site, most notably in relation to the domain names:

Please update your bookmarks to reflect the changes.With these changes on board we can improve the user satisfcation and enjoy a much better hosting setup.

With direct relation to the frontpage, it is currently offline for some modifications and fixes. You will be pleased to know we are planning on updating the tired old look and make several other modifications. The length of time this is going to take is currently unknown, however i can assure you it will be well worth the wait. In the meantime, the staff will be using the Software News forum to keep you up to date with the latest software releases.

There is one small appeal we would like to make to the users; please if possible donate as much money as possible so we can organise hosting for the front page and proxy system. It wil take a while to restore this system without the help of the users. Full details of the donation process are given here.

On a side note... some posts have been lost (those posted after our DB backup), we apologise for this.

We would like to thank everyone for there continued support and patience.

Thanks for reading,

nsane.forums staff

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Welcome back people. You're able to login with your old username and passwords. :dance2: We hope to get the front page back online soon - serving all your software needs. ;) Until then, please tell everyone the new address for the forums so we can work together in bringing nsane productions back to what it originally was... and better.

We'll have a paypal account online in the next few days allowing people to help us get the main site back up and running.

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  • Administrator

Please do spread the word; we are not going anywhere :dance2: and inform everyone of the new URLs.

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Holy shit.. a lot has happened. I havent been to active lately because ive been busy with my personal life. But its good to see the site coming back. Hopefully nsane can work out his problems though.

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Please do spread the word; we are not going anywhere :dance2: and inform everyone of the new URLs.

Can't wait to post the news on FileSharingTalk


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Glad to see the staff keeping the forums and site alive! :dance2:

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Hi guys!

The same way I had no words to say how sad I was when I read nsane goodbye post, now I have no words too, but to say how glad I am for reading this good, good new.

No matter this uge good new, must say a word to nsane: I wish you all the good luck in the world, and all of us must be pleased to know you (in this way, of course) and I wish we'll see you soon around here. You'll be certainlly able to solve your problems the best way, I'm shure!

Regards, and my beste to you.

And good luck to the forum and site that are to come!

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This is excellent news :dance2:

Will, Nsane be coming by and saying hello every once in a while?

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In a few days I'll be donating. :dance2:

BTW, I like the new forums URL's and theme.

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Man thank you soooo much for keeping the forums up. Im really happy that in the future this site is coming back. Anyway i had a question. Has anyone talked th NSANE? I was wondering how he is and when the site comes back is he still gonna be a part of the website?!?! ;) :dance2:

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Well It was nice to receive this great email saying the forum is back. Thought it had disappeared. Thanks to everybody who I'm sure worked very hard to bring it back. Looking forward to a great adventure again.

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thank u 4 ur hard work&dedication.i'll do as much as i can 4 the site in the future just as i did in the past, coz we are simply the best! :dance2: so, a warm welcome back and no more troubles from now on!

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I am exreemly glad that a wondeful forum with fantastic group of people is back.

All the credit to the admins and others who made this happen.

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Oh hell fucking yeah! Here i was worrying my ass off that the site and forums were gonna just be ripped down and we'd never see each other again, whew, glad the forum (and frontpage) have been kept up, btw the new domains are cool, im more used to the old domain, but i like the new domain better, Although the theme leaves a bit to be desired..., but i guess it'll grow on me. Great thanks goes out to everyone involved with keeping the site and forum up and Lastly, Nsane, i hope you get everything straightened out, and that your life gets better, until then, i wish you luck.

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good job on keeping the forums alive. Small note, how do I change back the style of the old forum? I hate this black and white style - too much white and it bothers my eyes. I liked the old blue and white, the default style usually for the forums.

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So glad to the site back online-was one, if not the best, around! Hopefully a lot of the old 'crowd' will be back as well soon. And to nSane, we all wish you only the best of everything! All your past hard work very much appreciated by all members here. Hope your problems solved soon and we see you back again soon. :dance2:

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