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Unable to view status comments.


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Hey all,

We all know we lift our dull and boring lives by reading comments from one another on this special forum. But as of late (2 days) I have been unable to, everytime I click 'Show Comments' it merely brings me to the top of the page.

I use Opera 11 if that helps but I assume half of you do too but havent experienced this trouble.

Please remedy my boredom :)

Staff Note: Moved to Site/Forum Feedback. :)

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Try disabling any adblockers you have. Adblockers are known to block scripts like them (by mistake).

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Sorry for posting in wrong forum.

And YES! DKT27 - I somehow messed with my Admuncher and it disabled the function. I just recalled the last option I ticked which had something to with mouse interference and being able to highlight text etc. But case solved! My life is complete.

THank you!

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