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Help my Grandma and I win the ESET Contest!


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Hey guys,

I've been chosen as a Top 5 Finalist for the ESET "Super Silent Shout Out" YouTube Contest and would love your support in helping my grandma and I win!

  1. Visit http://www.eset.com/contest
  2. Vote for the old Indian lady my grandma Alice
  3. post-166-0-82216400-1296072396_thumb.jpg
  4. Do this daily till January 31st! (Can only vote once a day)

The video quality isn't that great compared to some of the others, but it's the best I could do at the time. I would appreciate any votes/support/feedback/criticism/etc.



Holy shit, I WON! Got to tell Grandma now! (EST)

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  • Replies 46
  • Views 4.1k
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voted. hope you win.

Hold your urges from viewing the other videos please. lol.

Most Views:

Entry that has received the most views will receive a $1,000 gift card from either Visa or American Express.

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voted. hope you win.

Hold your urges from viewing the other videos please. lol.

Most Views:

Entry that has received the most views will receive a $1,000 gift card from either Visa or American Express.

Haha, I wouldn't worry about the most views part. It was decided last Tuesday. According to the website,

"Most Views" winner will be announced January 18, 2011.
One of them has over 18,000 views. I'm more concerned about the voting part as I would love to see this video in Times Square and possibly add that to my video portfolio!

Again, thanks so much for helping me out. I would greatly appreciate it if you could continue voting each day till the 31st and spread the word! I know you guys have shit to do and so will update this thread to make it more apparent in a pleasant and effective manner.

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Woot, woot!

A click a day is all it takes.

1 Days Remain

If you don't feel like scrolling to the top, here's how you can help!

  1. Visit http://www.eset.com/contest
  2. Vote for the old Indian lady my grandma Alice
  3. Do this daily till January 31st! (Can only vote once a day)

Thanks again

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@tipo, Alija, Atasas

Thanks for the enthusiastic support! I'll definitely give a shout out to nsane.down in NYC if I win! I've also been going around my university computer labs with friends and voting. Yeah, tell me about it... Desperate times call for desperate measures :D!

A click a day is all it takes.

1 Days Remain

If you don't feel like going back to the 1st page, here's how you can help!

* Visit http://www.eset.com/contest

* Vote for the old Indian lady my grandma Alice

* Do this daily till January 31st! (Can only vote once a day from one IP)

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