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Is Sony Planning to Thwart PS3 Pirates with Blu-ray Serial Keys?


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What if Sony took a page from Microsoft and required you activate games on your PlayStation 3 before playing? Or not just games, how about Blu-ray discs--movies, games, software, whatever--in general?

It's just a rumor, but Dutch site PS3-Sense writes Sony may be planning just that, possibly in response to a recent root-key hack that reportedly lays the PS3's security routines bare.

Citing "a very reliable source," the site outlines a new serial-key authentication process whereby Blu-ray disc games would be paired to PlayStation 3 units, authenticating against Sony's servers. The site adds that each serial key would only be usable up to five times.

Kind of like Sony's PlayStation Store, then. As I understand it, you can download something from the PlayStation Store as many times as you like, but only activate it on up to five discrete PS3s.

The Blu-ray serial would function similarly, claims PS3-Sense: Pop the disc in up to five different PS3s, then you're done. In the unlikely event you'd ever burn through five systems and have to purchase a sixth, you'd have to buy a new copy of the max-activated Blu-ray game as well.

Think about the implications if any of that's accurate. Not just for pirates, who deserve to be shut out, but legitimate owners (and, some might claim, legitimate hackers).

Used games? Those days are over. Players who don't (or can't) connect their systems to the Internet to authenticate? Locked out, too.

Would you buy a PS3 if games had use-limited security tags? What about games in general? Are we glimpsing the future of media, sold as a service (instead of a good) you don't really own? Media that you can only use in specific circumstances and that's non-resalable?

Note that I'm basing my read on Google's translation of the site. Don't jump off a cliff yet, or you know, mistake any of this for fact. For all I know, it's a ploy to make Sony look bad by putting bad info on the wire, or fudge the details to make the process sound more despotic than it is.

Source: PS3-Sense

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Sigh, people would simply start ripping the games/movies and removing the PS3 security... It's impossible to make a sufficient security system when both parts are in the hands of end users: the system and the disc. It's possible to make it harder, but that's a far as it goes.

Most if not all companies understand this though and they just hope to scare off as many as possible by extra 'security'.

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I'll add this to my list of reasons to HATE Sony :badmood:

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they seem to forget not everone has the web nor connects their none sony bluerays to the web

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I find it ironic that sony is so fixated on defending their products with all this bullet proofing paranoia. If some of you older guys remember when they introduced their BetaMax video recorders they were facing legal action against it. Sony tried to get the public support by advertising It's your right to record anything on TV. Apparently the networks didn't agree. The point i'm making is it was ok for sony to sell you the tools to capture video from the airways and later play them back anytime you wanted - and even share the tapes with your friends, was the big selling point. Now the shoes on the other foot and they don't like it. . . hmmn. Who's the bad guy here? I think when the gamers get tired of this "Securinoia," they will gravitate the manufacturer with a business model that understands the younger buyers will have market share over night.

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I'll only be paying for regular games, not any 5 activations rubbish. If that becomes mainstream I would be forced to start pirating ps3 games or something.

Although all game publishers have been heading in this direction for a while now, they intend to fully kill the second hand game market because they are greedy and selfish and want all the profits. They just use the piracy as an excuse to justify their greed.

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