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Comodo Time Machine vs winXP system restore


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I wanted an alternative system restore program so I have been checking out CTM for a day or so now, it seams ok but I would like to hear what others think about it. Thanks.

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I have been using about one year. It is so useful.

Thanks for the input but it looks like I wont be using CTM :frusty:


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I have been using about one year. It is so useful.

Thanks for the input but it looks like I wont be using CTM :frusty:


If you don't use RAID method, you can use it clicking YES button.

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If you can't go with TimeMachine, try Acronis Home. Aside from the traditional backup/restore functions, it also has a "Try and Decide" module; this is similar to TimeMachine (although you have to manually start it when you want it). It is really handy when installing new programs that you think may screw up your system. When I was testing it, I installed all sorts of security programs, purposely deleted drivers and shut uninstall routines in the middle- totally screwed up my computer. But with Try and decide I just rebooted, a screen came up asking if I wanted to discard changes which I OK'd. Computer rebooted and was restored back to perfect condition.

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Yes Ive been using Acronis for years now...best product for backup ever...but i dont use try N decide, I use Sandboxie for that kind of scenerio. I just was bored and thought Id try and find a replacement for system restore (just a settings saver type app, not disk imager/backup). Anyways CMT and a couple others I googled about fail to support a RAID Array which I have so Im just gonna stick with system restore. Thanks

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In addition to TrueImage (which I've used for years), I also have been using Ghost. I normally alternate between them- just in case either image corrupts for whatever reason. Ghost 15 finally has a menu option to create a bootable CD which was lacking in previous versions; it's also a bit quicker than Acronis.

Do any of you guys also use Ghost?

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Rollback RX/EAZ FIX FTW!

I don't recommend comodo's timemachine, it is buggy, try Rollback RX or Eaz Fix!

I second that.

Comodo's Time Machine is VERY BUGGY and based on some OLD code of rollback rx/eaz fix which they bought/stole.

Just look at Comodo's own forum with people whining about the time machine being buggy.. :P

edit: rollback rx (same as eaz-fix) works 100% on my windows 7 ultimate 32-bit ..

never had any problems with it.

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Well i don't know that but i found this on their forums:

RollBack Rx was not designed for servers or mission critical appliances. It was designed to protect everyday PC's. Our support statement that "we do not support servers and RAID systems" means exactly that...

Now that I got that off my chest; We do have many clients that have been successful in installing RollBack Rx onto RAID 0 and RAID 1 systems. And quite honestly, I do not see any problems with these types of installs.

However, when you get into multiple stipe sets and RAID 5 then RollBack Rx is looking for trouble.

So the bottom line is RollBack Rx does not support RAID period. This is the stance of our support department. However, you could install RollBack Rx onto a basic RAID system without any issues. (just don't call us for any support.)

If it works on your test PC you should not have any problems.smile.gif

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Well i don't know that but i found this on their forums:

RollBack Rx was not designed for servers or mission critical appliances. It was designed to protect everyday PC's. Our support statement that "we do not support servers and RAID systems" means exactly that...

Now that I got that off my chest; We do have many clients that have been successful in installing RollBack Rx onto RAID 0 and RAID 1 systems. And quite honestly, I do not see any problems with these types of installs.

However, when you get into multiple stipe sets and RAID 5 then RollBack Rx is looking for trouble.

So the bottom line is RollBack Rx does not support RAID period. This is the stance of our support department. However, you could install RollBack Rx onto a basic RAID system without any issues. (just don't call us for any support.)

If it works on your test PC you should not have any problems.smile.gif

My test rig does not have a RAID array...and it just isnt that important to me to risk my main rig. I always backup my system with Acronis but I dont feel like having to do a complete restore if something goes wrong...anyways I have posting on my mind...thanks tho

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Don't bother with time machine. I was hit hard with a trojan downloader and time machine refused to restore my computer. XP system restore is even worse. I use Acronis True Image. It is much safer and works all the time (atleast for me it does).

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  • 1 year later...

I realize this is old thread but:

Has anyone used the latested version of time machine over the last few months since its supposed to be better than earlier versions. I had too many problems with the patched version of rollback that caused a collaspe of my system and had to do repair install

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