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How to be completely invisible on the Internet?


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How do I become completely invisible on the Internet? I was wondering how to make it very difficult or almost impossible to find me. Please, I really like to know how. These programs that camouflage the IP leaves the person completely anonymous? Programs like Platinum Hide IP. Thanks.

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hotspot shield is the best free vpn client i used

try it ...

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well if u want to connect to u friends then u can use the VPN option otherwise i dont think its practically posiible to be anonymous while searching and surfing the social networking sites or emailing to others well u can only buy some time using proxies or programmes like tor but AFAIk its almost imposible to hidden on the internet

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You can never be completely anonymous. Tor or a good proxy could help. Even VPN services are good. Never use IP Hider softwares, they do more harm than good, have tested almost 20 of them in past.

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unplug your internet cable.... sorry i thought it was funny... i leave the professionals answer!

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Thanks for the replies. I also use the HS @bashar. I do not trust anything that comes from the USA. And I think that the HS comes from there. @DKT27, I'll follow your advice. @tipo this is the best method :rofl: . I'd like a Russian VPN.

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Thanks for the replies. I also use the HS @bashar. I do not trust anything that comes from the USA. And I think that the HS comes from there. @DKT27, I'll follow your advice. @tipo this is the best method :rofl: . I'd like a Russian VPN.

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Thanks for the replies. I also use the HS @bashar. I do not trust anything that comes from the USA. And I think that the HS comes from there. @DKT27, I'll follow your advice. @tipo this is the best method :rofl: . I'd like a Russian VPN.

you could try start run then type in ipv6 install and stipulate how often your ip changes, I.E every 2 minutes or whatever also hide in network too, but you are just gaining a bit time do not hop too often or your files never reach you thats if you know how to set hops :ph34r:

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OK, thanks. I have read something on the Internet. I think that with Linux I would have more possibilities. Of course I had to learn a lot about the subject related to Linux. And I think that hackers prefer Linux for the sake of greater security and a wider range of options. You can keep yourself safe using windows, but I think with Liunx things are much better in another aspect. With respect to Linux will depend on who uses it and knowledge of the user. And the tools that the user of the system he has. And what I said about the USA is related to companies offering services like Hotspot Shield and I really don't trust. -_-

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  • 2 weeks later...

How about never connecting on a access point that can be traced to you. Go to Starbucks or some other free access point and mind how long you stay. If you are into things that could get you in trouble than stay a short time and move on. Spoof the MacAddress for your wifi card.

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unplug your internet cable.... sorry i thought it was funny... i leave the professionals answer!

I don't find it funny. I believe it's correct. In fact, I have answered likewise in the past: 1 2

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  • 1 month later...

Ok understood. I just wanted to tell me how to navigate the Internet with as much anonymity as possible. I find it obvious that if you disconnect the network cable from the modem will be 100% OFF that I decided not to even mention, but I ended up taking it in a joke. VPN seems to me the best option, but depends on where it is. VPN should not be North America because it's the same thing than garbage. Privacy in the U.S. is a joke like "unplug your Internet cable .... sorry i thought it was funny ... i leave the professionals answer!" <Quote good for North Americans who have no privacy right. In the U.S., even disconnecting the cable modem you can not have privacy, because there it is impossible even using this technique. Thanks for the advice. Can lock the topic if they wish.

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