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Dropbox-type Sharing & Syncing


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Dear Nsane users,

I first of all want to apologise for creating waves of new topics for my questioning woes.

I am currently using DropBox as a method of storing company data and documents for all to access. However, we have encountered one issue and were aware from the very start; Security.

We had many ambitions for DropBox but seems development in terms of accessibility for third parties and security have crawled to a stand still.

I have read on these forums that there is a similar sharing tool but I have forgotten the name for it. It was very recent within the last week or two. It basically enabled the admin to set who could see which files, password protected a number of files and who could access what.

Now I wasnt clear if it was similiar to Dropbox in terms of accessibility (Install and find an icon in your taskbar) or if it would be an online website filehosting service.

The goal is to enable clients to access their own files which are password protected from home for example to update their personal details or change any details regarding their finance without having to meet them or over the phone.

The client will not be able to see other clients file and admin will of course have access to everything.

Would this be possible and is there anything on the market similar to Dropbox with added security and accessibility?

I would appreciate all response to my question.


Your local forum member ;]

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