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nsane.down v2.1.1 Launched


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<img src="http://www.nsanedown.com/images/logos/News.png" class="logo" alt="news" />We are delighted to announce the release of nsane.down v2.1.1.

The main highlights for this release are:

  • Various performance improvements (this results in a page load improvement of 10-25%).
  • Added option to disable "Latest Community Activity" tab rotation.
  • Improved handling of proxy referrer errors.
  • Updated "Share" page.
  • Updated FAQ page.
  • Minor skin tweaks and fixes.
  • Miscellaneous other bug fixes and changes.

We hope you like the changes we have made and as always feedback and suggestions are very much appreciated.

We have also added several new applications and updated the forum skin in the recent past.

<i>Not seeing the updates? Force a cache update by clicking Ctrl+F5. (In Firefox you might have to 'Clear your recent history' as well.)</i>

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Nice, but there is a bug on the homepage. If i click on post comment i see the message: [#103133] NO_TOPIC_ID

I see this error if i click any comment button.

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I can't seem to reproduce this error.

Did you clear your cache and refresh the page?

Edit: Ok, we've found it, will be fixed in a minute. Thanks!

Edit 2: Fixed :) Thanks again!

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Iron page transition is perfection.. will need to restart FF and empty everything to be certain.. but it is looking good there too.. :thumbsup: Always good to see the improvements... :D

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  • Administrator

If anyone finds more bugs, be sure to report (mention) them. :)

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<i>Not seeing the updates? Force a cache update by clicking Ctrl+F5. (In Firefox you might have to 'Clear your recent history' as well.)</i>

actually, all you need to do is press CTRL+SHIFT+R, and you're good to go

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..and on Firefox you may have to Hit F5 3-5 Times.. for cache .. also a section in Options...then it can revert on using 'Back'.. so best to clear cache and restart.. the browser...

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It should really not be necessary to refresh your cache, we use ETags on all our static stuff so it will update even if it's still cached ;) (It could be necessary though, just saying it shouldn't :P)

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Yeah Firefox is a little odd sometimes when it comes to the cache area... BUT after a restart.. seems MUCH better.. fast, more responsive.. all around better..

EDIT: Might just be me.. but I think that the tab cycle has stopped.. without the button being on or off..

EDIT2: NO.. it was me.. ignore that...SORRY.. :)

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Wanted to reply and then saw your edit in my reply box :)

(We triple, quadruple checked pretty much everything (except for the 'Post comment' button in the News topic view :P).)

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Tab cycle is not working for me...

If you press the white On/Off button it turns gray. If it's gray the tab cycle is turned of, if it's white it turns on.

In addition to this the tab cycle will pause when you hover the box (in order to avoid cycling when you want to click a link, or hover the box whilst reading it).

Please verify whether you turned it off ;)

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Take your mouse off of it and refresh the page.. then keep you mouse off and watch.. its slower than what it was... between transitions.. so instead of expecting immediate fast transitions expect a slower smoother one.. which lasts a little longer..

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Take your mouse off of it and refresh the page.. then keep you mouse off and watch.. its slower than what it was... between transitions.. so instead of expecting immediate fast transitions expect a slower smoother one.. which lasts a little longer..

It's only slightly slower than it was before (changed from 6666 ms to 6969 ms :rolleyes:), it just seems to take longer when you focus on the tab cycle (same thing happens when you focus on a ticking clock during a never-ending lecture; time slows down :P).

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LOL.. Well I think it seems easier to read... but it seems a ' tad ' slower to start the cycle than it does between each one after. but it is fine I think...can actually maybe keep the page faster by waiting till full load...

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I am seeing a text link at the top left part of the page for nsane.down

Also, spacing seems off in the forum and between "Comments Made" and "Post Comment"

Chrome 9.0.597.10 beta

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I am seeing a text link at the top left part of the page for nsane.down

Also, spacing seems off in the forum and between "Comments Made" and "Post Comment"

Chrome 9.0.597.10 beta

The CSS file in your cache didn't get updated, please clear your cache ;)

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looks cool to me gives some extra option so that no need to visit the profile

BTW ctrl+f5 press thrice worked for me too

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