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Just registered with the boards to look threw some older archived topics. Got a few PC's and a Macbook Pro. Light Video Editing and Sound Editing. Looking to expand my knowledge with new programs.

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Just registered with the boards to look threw some older archived topics. Got a few PC's and a Macbook Pro. Light Video Editing and Sound Editing. Looking to expand my knowledge with new programs.

Out of Curiosity, why is it when im a guest I can view the forum topics but as a registered user, i cannot access anything?

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validate your account and become a full member.

untill then welcome!

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  • Administrator

:hi: & :welcome:

All you need to do is to open the email you got during registration and click on the validation link. :)

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Thank you for the welcoming parade. It looks like I can finally view the boards after a few days wait but hey...thats what i here for. Look forward to some great info!

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