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Laptop screen keeps flickering


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It's almost certainly fixable. If you lived in New Hampshire (USA), I'd say bring it in to my shop, but India might be a tad bit too far. Are there electrical repair shops near you? Maybe if you show them the repair videos they'd be willing to try it?

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Does the screen go crazy when you swivel it.. possibly even go completely black or frozen? Can you tap it and cause a problem? I have seen one HP that had this problem.. I sneezed.. and the screen went nuts.. Nobody could figure out what exactly was wrong.. I was able to finish the maintenance.. but the guy had it fixed twice.. before it went sailing at 70+ MPH out the window of a Big Rig..

( Would have hated to have been standing on the side of the road that day.. )

EDIT: IF it were me I would start and go front to back, concerning video.. and if it did not fix.. it would be in the recycle bin..

before it went sailing at 70+ MPH out the window of a Big Rig..

lol .. rofl.gif

well , swiveling the screen doesnt help ,

it comes and goes , by its wish ...

Perhaps, if you'd try to make video and upload? at least pics might give a bit more of an idea (apart from Chip needing to re'bed)

right now m working from my brothers laptop ...

i ll try , capturing a screen shot when the screen is dancing ....

lets see ...

@ majithia23

Guess it's time for surgery - just get your screwdrivers out and open up the casing. Tell the man in the mirror that it's just a little fan cleaning job. While you're at it, lookup all the wonderful advice that people have offered, here.

Sometimes, laptops have this uncanny habit of getting back to normal (as if nothing had ever happened) - even if you just re-assemble them back without doing anything. I say at least try to clean up under the hood with a low velocity blower.

well ,

i did open up the external covers and blowed over it , but it dint help ...

i am just reluctant and a bit apprehensive for going full monty over it , as i fear i might screw up some thing else ( my brother also warned me ) and hence m looking for some one who is well versed with opening and putting back the rig ... or at least some one who could give me a company in the job ...


u say ..-- try pinching with light force various areas of the case (not the screen!) to see if that helps. if it does, its a safe bet that you do need to reflow the board.

meaning u say , to pinch the borders of the screen or some thing else ??


Pinch areas lightly of the main part of the laptop, around the keyboard.. In doing so, you might get lucky and temporarily restore bad connections. This is only to see if what we are assuming about the laptop is correct.

It's by no means a fix. Think of it as a diagnostic.

ok ,so i tried pinching the laptops a@@ , at all the places i could ...

but it , just dint work ....

kept messing up the screen ...

guess i have got to rip it apart ....


ok ,

on a second note ..

if i do get successful in restoring it after working with the thermals , then its a good game ,,,,,

if it does not wok , i guess i would have to go for a new mobo ...

so ,

seriously tell guys ,

would it be wise n prudent to go for a new mobo onto the same old HP box ?

if the first one got blown ,

this too would die ,,sooner or later ...thanks to the furnace , the HP ....

should i go for a new mobo ? ( it would be expensive and adding just a few extra bucks to its cost , would work out the cost of a entry level new laptop !! )

remove the thermal pads! keep the fans/vents clean. use the laptop on a hard flat surface. Don't use it on your lap, on a bed, etc. If you get it fixed, this should keep it going.

By instinct, I feel it's not got to do with your motherboard.

There's a flat ribbon consisting of multiple thin wires that connect your screen to different parts under the hood - now, wonder if this ribbon is frayed / burnt / worn out, causing this flicker.

It happens when he's got the laptop hooked up to an external monitor as well.

It's almost certainly fixable. If you lived in New Hampshire (USA), I'd say bring it in to my shop, but India might be a tad bit too far. Are there electrical repair shops near you? Maybe if you show them the repair videos they'd be willing to try it?

yeah i could get it fixed from you in a few months as i ll be coming over to the States yearly next year , if it is not fixed by that time ..!!!! tongue.gif

see the thing is ,

where i live , there are electrical shops and some computer repair shops too .

but no one is dedicated or learned enough to trouble shoot a problem step by step .

thy just go the easy way , that is , simply go for the shortest method possible .

in my case , replace the mobo .

call it more profits , lack of time due to overload of complaints or sheer ignorance of a things working ... but that is how it usually goes .

and see the apathy , i called up the HP customer care today and even those f###ng morons say " sir , u have got to get ur mobo replaced as the graphic chip has been damaged due to overheating ." !!

wtf !!u build badly vented machines and then u say they over heat .!!! retards ....

well any ways thanks for ur help man ...

m still lookin for some one , who could get into it and try out the options ...

and rather ,, even i might also pull it apart , if i get that impulse -- OK , lets do it ... !!!! ph34r.gif

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  • 1 month later...

hello friends ...

logged onto nsane after some time today , and thought it would be wise to finally close the topic with a solution .....( after so long ...... )

thanks to everyone for their help ...

well the simple solution is --- Never buy HP ...!

you guys were probably right about re working the thermals , as that was what the computer technician also said .

but he also said , ' the laptop will get back to work normally after reworking ,,,but for how long , i can t guarantee ,,, and it might even not work ..'..'

he said -the only working solution was to replace the graphic chip on the mobo .

i had no choice but to go for it .

he got it repaired and it costed me about $110.

now i dont know if he actually replaced the graphic chip or not or did some thing else under the hood ,,,,, but the laptop is working fine .

he says it is the new chip , else nothing would work ..

his goodbye message when i left the shop was ' sir , kindly sell off ur HP. no doubt the chip has been replaced , but it too would be fried sooner or later .,, because its an HP ...!!! '

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