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Laptop screen keeps flickering


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howdy guys ....:hi:

well ,,been away from nsane for some time now ,

when this strange and rather irritating thing started troubling me

and so, thought of asking the people here ...

for the last few days the laptops screen is behaving weird ....

it starts to flicker , just suddenly ,,,

sometimes slowly ( when its still readable from the screen )

but some times like crazily . the whole screen is messed up with horizontal criss cross lines , all mixing into each other ..... and thus no readability ...

during flickering ,,now two things happen ....

sometimes it gets back to its normal state , as if nothing happened , by its own ...

and some times it just gets stuck , that is keeps flickering and flickering , and then i have to force shut down by holding the power button ...

two things i have noticed ...

when the screen background is white in color , it flickers less .

and also , while flickering , if i switch over to a window with a white background ( like google home page ),, the on going flickering reduces and some times even stops ..

now i have updated the drivers , BIOS , and any other things , but to no avail ..

on connecting the laptop to an external monitor , two things happen ...

--- when the laptop screen is fine , the external display is also displayed ok ..

-- but as soon as the flickering starts , the external display goes all blank ... , no display ....

this is the case ...

now wat to do ...???

p.s. / edit ---- please check the last post for the solution ....

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Do you clean out the fan(s) regularly?

Do you ever use the laptop on your lap, in the bed, etc?

Sounds like your MB might have overheated, especially if it's an HP.

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Laptop possibly an HP?

Do you clean out the fan(s) regularly?

Do you ever use the laptop on your lap, in the bed, etc?

Sounds like your MB might have overheated, especially if it's an HP.

damn .... !

thats right ....

it is an HP ....:mellow: ...

....2 members making an absolutely correct guess ...,, phewww..

so is HP so notorious for bad quality ...??

mine is HP dv5 1201 with AMD Turion ..

and by these symptoms it means the MB has been baked / f@@@d up ??

is it so ?

from what i had read and knew i had an opinion that HP were the best , so went for it , ignoring others ..

but this just sounds , i made a mistake ,

as this one is around just 1.5 years old ...???


i havent contacted the customer help line as of yet ..

coz i know very well from my past experience , they r just a bunch of morons ....

so , what to do ????

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thanks for the links man ...

hmmmm... interesting to know about the LCD inverter thing ...

so if the inverter is dying out , the laptops screen would flicker ...

what happens to the screen during the malfunction is ,

that there is flickering , at a very fast rate ..

multiple colored horizontal lines , moving up n down into each other at a very fast rate ..

would this also be categorized as flickering ?

or is it smething else ? ( like attributable to some other LCD component or the MB ?? )

and also ,

wen connected to the external display ,

on flickering , the external display just goes blank ...

this relation ?


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in this case on board graphics chip/card "kaput!" :pope:

ur reply just ascertains my fears ......:doh:

was thinking the same ....

as mine has an on board ATI chip ....

Check your 'Screen refresh rate' and ensure your display driver is updated. BTW, external appliances like wireless transmitters, cellphones, mixers and even fans are known to cause flicker.

yes i did check for all the driver updates and stuff ..

but nothing ...

so if the on board graphic chip is busted ,

what is the solution ?

a new mobo or the chip could be replaced as a stand alone component ?

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We repair this problem on HP laptops all the time. You would need to reflow the board, remove any and all thermal pads, use the correct thermal paste and put in a shim where needed.

This usually works, unless the GPU itself is fried.

If you are handy, you can probably find guides or videos on how to do this yourself. Otherwise, you'll need someone to do it for you, or have the entire motherboard replaced. We typically charge $75 for the fix, while a new motherboard would be 2-3 times the price.

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We repair this problem on HP laptops all the time. You would need to reflow the board, remove any and all thermal pads, use the correct thermal paste and put in a shim where needed.

This usually works, unless the GPU itself is fried.

If you are handy, you can probably find guides or videos on how to do this yourself. Otherwise, you'll need someone to do it for you, or have the entire motherboard replaced. We typically charge $75 for the fix, while a new motherboard would be 2-3 times the price.

could the GPU be totally fried , ?

i ask , coz as i said ,

the messing up / flickering of screen occurs , just in instances .

that is , the screen is ok one moment and goofs up another,, and then some times reverts back to normal and sometimes just gets stuck ...

so it does work well , as if nothing is wrong with it .

if the on board chip is fried , then the flickering of the screen should remain continuously ..

aint so ??

so the retouching of the laptops thermals , is the initial solution , as u say ...

i ll try findin some guide videos .

what exactly should i look/search for ?

could u please share some links if u have some ...

thanks for the reply ....

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We repair this problem on HP laptops all the time. You would need to reflow the board, remove any and all thermal pads, use the correct thermal paste and put in a shim where needed.

This usually works, unless the GPU itself is fried.

If you are handy, you can probably find guides or videos on how to do this yourself. Otherwise, you'll need someone to do it for you, or have the entire motherboard replaced. We typically charge $75 for the fix, while a new motherboard would be 2-3 times the price.

could the GPU be totally fried , ?

i ask , coz as i said ,

the messing up / flickering of screen occurs , just in instances .

that is , the screen is ok one moment and goofs up another,, and then some times reverts back to normal and sometimes just gets stuck ...

so it does work well , as if nothing is wrong with it .

if the on board chip is fried , then the flickering of the screen should remain continuously ..

aint so ??

so the retouching of the laptops thermals , is the initial solution , as u say ...

i ll try findin some guide videos .

what exactly should i look/search for ?

could u please share some links if u have some ...

thanks for the reply ....

I dont know, try a search for the model of your laptop and gpu rework. or reflow. you are probably right about the gpu not being fried yet, but i like to be cautious, so that's why i hedged my bets.

next time it happens, try pinching with light force various areas of the case (not the screen!) to see if that helps. if it does, its a safe bet that you do need to reflow the board.

you could also try the toaster oven technique, but i don't recommend that as a first attempt.

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Clean out the heatsinks and fans and replace the thermal paste with NON electrically conductive thermal paste. My personal bests are Arctic Cooling MX-2 or MX-3. Reason is that most of those chips on laptops are without the metal casing and thermal paste can easily leak onto electrical components creating short circuits.

Also HP are well known for manufacturing laptops that can also work as furnaces or space heaters in winter. You can fry your legs or burn your house down using an hp laptop.

I can only confirm what others have said about your problem, it does sound to me like a video card problem. If it is the inverter you can listen closely to either the top or bottom of the screen for buzzing noises, that is usually the main indicator that the inverter is dying.

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and do remember!- no way try to fit any other as specifically identical one!

We repair this problem on HP laptops all the time. You would need to reflow the board, remove any and all thermal pads, use the correct thermal paste and put in a shim where needed.

This usually works, unless the GPU itself is fried.

If you are handy, you can probably find guides or videos on how to do this yourself. Otherwise, you'll need someone to do it for you, or have the entire motherboard replaced. We typically charge $75 for the fix, while a new motherboard would be 2-3 times the price.

could the GPU be totally fried , ?

i ask , coz as i said ,

the messing up / flickering of screen occurs , just in instances .

that is , the screen is ok one moment and goofs up another,, and then some times reverts back to normal and sometimes just gets stuck ...

so it does work well , as if nothing is wrong with it .

if the on board chip is fried , then the flickering of the screen should remain continuously ..

aint so ??

so the retouching of the laptops thermals , is the initial solution , as u say ...

i ll try findin some guide videos .

what exactly should i look/search for ?

could u please share some links if u have some ...

thanks for the reply ....

I dont know, try a search for the model of your laptop and gpu rework. or reflow. you are probably right about the gpu not being fried yet, but i like to be cautious, so that's why i hedged my bets.

next time it happens, try pinching with light force various areas of the case (not the screen!) to see if that helps. if it does, its a safe bet that you do need to reflow the board.

you could also try the toaster oven technique, but i don't recommend that as a first attempt.

I would reccomend [careful] disassembly. Get rid of all dirt and dust, and make sure the connections are good.

Clean out the heatsinks and fans and replace the thermal paste with NON electrically conductive thermal paste. My personal bests are Arctic Cooling MX-2 or MX-3. Reason is that most of those chips on laptops are without the metal casing and thermal paste can easily leak onto electrical components creating short circuits.

Also HP are well known for manufacturing laptops that can also work as furnaces or space heaters in winter. You can fry your legs or burn your house down using an hp laptop.

I can only confirm what others have said about your problem, it does sound to me like a video card problem. If it is the inverter you can listen closely to either the top or bottom of the screen for buzzing noises, that is usually the main indicator that the inverter is dying.

thanks for the replies guys ....

ok ,

so as an initial measure , its recommended to disassemble the components , clean out the dirt , check the connections , and rework the thermals .... right ...?

usually , m good with unbundling and rebundling things , ( ...and also found some help , tutorial videos ) ,... but tell me guys ,

is it safe for a novice like me to go for it ?

or should i look for some one who is good at it ..? ( ... though it would be hard to find one ... )

i mean what are the chances i would mess up some thing else if i do it on my own ... chances of failure ?


yes u r probably right ...

there s no humming i can hear .

has to b the graphic chip , on mobo .


u say ..-- try pinching with light force various areas of the case (not the screen!) to see if that helps. if it does, its a safe bet that you do need to reflow the board.

meaning u say , to pinch the borders of the screen or some thing else ??

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u say ..-- try pinching with light force various areas of the case (not the screen!) to see if that helps. if it does, its a safe bet that you do need to reflow the board.

meaning u say , to pinch the borders of the screen or some thing else ??


Pinch areas lightly of the main part of the laptop, around the keyboard.. In doing so, you might get lucky and temporarily restore bad connections. This is only to see if what we are assuming about the laptop is correct.

It's by no means a fix. Think of it as a diagnostic.

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u say ..-- try pinching with light force various areas of the case (not the screen!) to see if that helps. if it does, its a safe bet that you do need to reflow the board.

meaning u say , to pinch the borders of the screen or some thing else ??


Pinch areas lightly of the main part of the laptop, around the keyboard.. In doing so, you might get lucky and temporarily restore bad connections. This is only to see if what we are assuming about the laptop is correct.

It's by no means a fix. Think of it as a diagnostic.

ok ,so i tried pinching the laptops a@@ , at all the places i could ...

but it , just dint work ....

kept messing up the screen ...

guess i have got to rip it apart ....


ok ,

on a second note ..

if i do get successful in restoring it after working with the thermals , then its a good game ,,,,,

if it does not wok , i guess i would have to go for a new mobo ...

so ,

seriously tell guys ,

would it be wise n prudent to go for a new mobo onto the same old HP box ?

if the first one got blown ,

this too would die ,,sooner or later ...thanks to the furnace , the HP ....

should i go for a new mobo ? ( it would be expensive and adding just a few extra bucks to its cost , would work out the cost of a entry level new laptop !! )

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Well my man, nobody can guarantee you nothing- try and see!


right said ...

need to get my dad to finance this try and see tooth.gif

By instinct, I feel it's not got to do with your motherboard.

There's a flat ribbon consisting of multiple thin wires that connect your screen to different parts under the hood - now, wonder if this ribbon is frayed / burnt / worn out, causing this flicker.

yes dcs ,

u do have a point and i wish this was the case and the fault ... ( coz, as i mentioned it earlier also , that the flicker is variable in its occurrence . some times it keeps flickering and sometimes reverts back to its normal state .... )

how i wish i could get it checked from u ..!

( couldnt find any one good enough and experienced who can check for this error.. )

well lets see ...

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Does the screen go crazy when you swivel it.. possibly even go completely black or frozen? Can you tap it and cause a problem? I have seen one HP that had this problem.. I sneezed.. and the screen went nuts.. Nobody could figure out what exactly was wrong.. I was able to finish the maintenance.. but the guy had it fixed twice.. before it went sailing at 70+ MPH out the window of a Big Rig..

( Would have hated to have been standing on the side of the road that day.. )

EDIT: IF it were me I would start and go front to back, concerning video.. and if it did not fix.. it would be in the recycle bin..

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Perhaps, if you'd try to make video and upload? at least pics might give a bit more of an idea (apart from Chip needing to re'bed)

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u say ..-- try pinching with light force various areas of the case (not the screen!) to see if that helps. if it does, its a safe bet that you do need to reflow the board.

meaning u say , to pinch the borders of the screen or some thing else ??


Pinch areas lightly of the main part of the laptop, around the keyboard.. In doing so, you might get lucky and temporarily restore bad connections. This is only to see if what we are assuming about the laptop is correct.

It's by no means a fix. Think of it as a diagnostic.

ok ,so i tried pinching the laptops a@@ , at all the places i could ...

but it , just dint work ....

kept messing up the screen ...

guess i have got to rip it apart ....


ok ,

on a second note ..

if i do get successful in restoring it after working with the thermals , then its a good game ,,,,,

if it does not wok , i guess i would have to go for a new mobo ...

so ,

seriously tell guys ,

would it be wise n prudent to go for a new mobo onto the same old HP box ?

if the first one got blown ,

this too would die ,,sooner or later ...thanks to the furnace , the HP ....

should i go for a new mobo ? ( it would be expensive and adding just a few extra bucks to its cost , would work out the cost of a entry level new laptop !! )

remove the thermal pads! keep the fans/vents clean. use the laptop on a hard flat surface. Don't use it on your lap, on a bed, etc. If you get it fixed, this should keep it going.

By instinct, I feel it's not got to do with your motherboard.

There's a flat ribbon consisting of multiple thin wires that connect your screen to different parts under the hood - now, wonder if this ribbon is frayed / burnt / worn out, causing this flicker.

It happens when he's got the laptop hooked up to an external monitor as well.

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