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This Is Enough...


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News.pngYou may have noticed the site's been running a little slow lately. Well it's mainly due to the overwhelming success of PirateShare and the home server not being able to handle the masses of people using the site. I've been trying to tweak the server to handle the load for a few weeks now but nothing I do seems to help. So it's come down to 3 options at this point:

  1. Shutdown PirateShare to ease the load
  2. Beg for more donations to get better hardware
  3. Whore the site to some wealthy company for cash

Now I don't want to take PirateShare down and I'm getting tired of begging for money (don't feel right). So I decided to settle somewhere between 2 and 3 -- offer a deal to our visitors that has benefits for the site as well. So I started going through some of our new advertiser's offers and noticed something about the Blockbuster ads I've published for the past few weeks. Basically for every person we get to signup we get $50 as a finders fee per se.

So if you want to help us get a new server, and you live in the US, nows your chance. You simply need to click the ad above, signup for 1-month at $9.99 and get bunch of free rentals before you kill the account. You'll also notice that you're allowed to take online rentals back to the actual stores now for free rentals there as well. So you're basically getting like 20-30 movie rentals for $9.99 and helping us get a new server at the same time. Plus, this gives you the chance to copy all those DVDs you can't find on your favorite Bittorrent site too :)

Thanks in advance...

PS - For those that can't see the banner due to ad blockers just go here: http://x.azjmp.com/0Xc6H

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Dire is the word (so it seems). Not able to open an Blockbuster account from where I'm at, but threw in a few bucks :) Hope everything sorts out eventually.

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In a couple of days my PayPal is filled with some bucks again, I will sent some to you.

Luckely you decided that PS should stay, I like the concept but I know it's expensive to get some serious equipment. And the bills they come too.

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yea where's the link Nsane, i looked all over your post and i can't find it. Kazaa Man i guess he for got to put it up there or something. but he'll fix it seeing that it'll bring money in to this site.

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Hopefully, 'cause I have a job and some dough now. And I definitely don't want to see this site go to waste... :battle:

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I'll send a few bucks again too soon. Can't have any of pirateshare.net going offline.

And for having these greate sites nsaene deserves a little cash anyhow.

If everyone who uses this site sent $1 I'm guessing it would keep PS alive for some time.

Together we're strong. :sneaky:

Oh, and to those looking for the Blockbuster ad, it's at the top of the front page. :battle:

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Oh, and to those looking for the Blockbuster ad, it's at the top of the front page. :yes:

yeah, ya know, that big ass 468px wide banner next to the logo :battle:

and a big thanks to those who've signed up or donated :sneaky:

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Oh, and to those looking for the Blockbuster ad, it's at the top of the front page. :yes:

yeah, ya know, that big ass 468px wide banner next to the logo :battle:

and a big thanks to those who've signed up or donated :sneaky:

we thank u for the kick ass site love it here srry i just been a leacher off the site for 6months that will change

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we thank u for the kick ass site love it here srry i just been a leacher off the site for 6months that will change

I think more then 90% here just plain leeches. And makes free advertisement to friends after enjoying the site, so it's okay.

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In a couple of days my PayPal is filled with some bucks again, I will sent some to you.

Luckely you decided that PS should stay, I like the concept but I know it's expensive to get some serious equipment. And the bills they come too.

Ten bucks on the way, should atleast help a little bit :battle:

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I already have a Blockbuster account but I just send you ten bucks. I know it's not much, I wish that more nsane users donate at least something or take advantage of the blockbuster promo.

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yeah, tell me about it, we've only got 2 signups for blockbuster and 4 donations since i've posted this. but you may have noticed that i have got the server running a bit smoother -- for now any ways. it did have its costs tho, like the "cpu load too high" msg making its comeback ;)

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Im making some cash by doing some translations atm, but I need to pay dad 100 bucks 1rst, then I hope I have some spare...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope that I someday find a special tree... which produces money :P If I find one I'll send you a seed nsane :rolleyes:

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I will clone it, and begin my own business. The only catch is that the plant dies every month :unsure: . So that I keep my job. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
The Godfather

I sent you some $$ for the cause. Will do about every month. I just cant wait to be upgraded. I love this site and besides donating I'll also sign up for the blockbuster package. Better yet I'll get my family to also.

Your loyal member,

The Godfather

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