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Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro 7.0.4 (3400.520.1244)


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<img src="/images/logos/Outpost.png" class="logo" alt="Outpost Firewall" title="Outpost Firewall" />Outpost Firewall Pro, provides a superior arsenal of defense against PC infiltration by denying unauthorized access by remote hackers and protecting against data theft, denial-of-service attacks, privacy violation, Trojan horses, spyware and more. Four major criteria define Outpost Firewall Pro: security, control, privacy and ease of use. Outpost Free, an heir to Outpost Firewall Pro, provides pure firewall and proactive protection functions omitting extra add-ons.

<a href="http://www.nsanedown.com/?request=588852" target="_blank">Download</a>

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@ Jalaffa

I remember that in a previous update of the program you told you had stopped using it (together with Eset Nod32 it had been your favourite combo), and that you now prefer using Windows Firewall. Why? :think:

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Did not need that extra spyware, pop-up, webfilter stuff. I might miss outposts outbound traffic control, but then again it was a lot of hassle to have installed.

With homegroup assignment it is so easy to set up a network in Win 7.

Boils down to that I feel that I don't need it for my use.

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I have been using security suites that's why I haven't tried these types of softwares much. But this version 7 seems much better and automated than previous ones.

I had no idea how many attack we receive....mighty impressive. I guess I am using your once favourite combo in my notebook :dance2: . I hope it does not disappoint me -_-

It seems stronger or more complete than the Eset firewall. It either detects more attacks or registers them :dunno: or perhaps it doesn't make my notebook as invisible as I wish it were in internet!!!! :P

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