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How To Prevent TuneUp Utilities From Calling Home


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Thank you dcs18. I do have some problems with TU2010. My key is getting blacklisted often and I need to enter new key again and again. Hope this will work.


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I simply banned the update wizard any internet access using NIS firewall, but unfortunately if you want to update it has to be re-enabled, then it blocks the key.

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. . . . . . . . . . . but unfortunately if you want to update it has to be re-enabled, then it blocks the key.

BTW, I'd always suggest using the full offline (redistributable) installer instead of trying to update from within the program. :)

It told me it wouldn't install as Tuneup Was already installed. I don't want to uninstall and reinstall as just making a new key is faster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jin,

I've stopped using this variant of TuneUp Utilities - hence, your feedback would be most appreciated. :)

BTW, it's a good idea to backup your 'key' and 'configurations' by exporting the following 2 registry entries:-




Thank you dcs18. Really appreciate your recommendation. Does this mean if I would backup those registries I can just add them ("key and "configurations") back after they are blacklisted?


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No, once your key is blacklisted it's no use - I prefer this mode of backup to avoid running the KeyGen every time I use TuneUp Utilities as a fresh installation on different systems. :)


Can I use same registries if I did uninstall TU then install again? or is it only for backup to be installed to other or different system.Sorry for asking, not really computer expert here.:lol:


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Today, again, it auto-deactivates even with the trick. (auto-updates off). :frusty:

I think I must block this apps with the firewall + hosts file....

I'll do the job with the 2011 version. (When french version will be released).


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@ dcs18 :

Sorry for the confusion. I was talking about 2010 version. I didn't test with 2011 version.

PS: What are the "global rules" ??

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wow this post has me confused but after a lot of repetitions I finally twigged

Thanks for all the posts

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  • 11 months later...


I don't see the guide

You can add this at your hosts-file:   www.order.tune-up.com127.0.0.1   www.tune-up.com127.0.0.1   www.tune-up.com/order127.0.0.1   www.registertuneup.com127.0.0.1   secure.tune-up.com
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I don't see the guide

You can add this at your hosts-file:   www.order.tune-up.com127.0.0.1   www.tune-up.com127.0.0.1   www.tune-up.com/order127.0.0.1   www.registertuneup.com127.0.0.1   secure.tune-up.com
;)   secure.tune-up.com
does the job, no need for multiple entries.
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To avoid the online check, block the app either with a firewall (recommended) or add the following line to your hosts file:

\Windows\System32\drivers\etc secure.tune-up.com

If you’ve already accidentally let the app phone home and got yourself blacklisted, delete the following key from your registry and use another key

x86: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ CLSID\{64A3D41B-61A5-4834-9A42-FDE1C37B0008}]

x64: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ Wow6432Node\CLSID\{64A3D41B-61A5-4834-9A42-FDE1C37B0008}]

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  • 2 weeks later...

To avoid the online check, block the app either with a firewall (recommended) or add the following line to your hosts file:

\Windows\System32\drivers\etc secure.tune-up.com

If you’ve already accidentally let the app phone home and got yourself blacklisted, delete the following key from your registry and use another key

x86: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ CLSID\{64A3D41B-61A5-4834-9A42-FDE1C37B0008}]

x64: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ Wow6432Node\CLSID\{64A3D41B-61A5-4834-9A42-FDE1C37B0008}]

I'm not sure if deleting those keys are necessary, but I managed to register by using a new key w/o touching the registry.

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To avoid the online check, block the app either with a firewall (recommended) or add the following line to your hosts file:

\Windows\System32\drivers\etc secure.tune-up.com

If you’ve already accidentally let the app phone home and got yourself blacklisted, delete the following key from your registry and use another key

x86: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ CLSID\{64A3D41B-61A5-4834-9A42-FDE1C37B0008}]

x64: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ Wow6432Node\CLSID\{64A3D41B-61A5-4834-9A42-FDE1C37B0008}]

I'm not sure if deleting those keys are necessary, but I managed to register by using a new key w/o touching the registry.

how you will put the key if already blacklisted?

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To avoid the online check, block the app either with a firewall (recommended) or add the following line to your hosts file:

\Windows\System32\drivers\etc secure.tune-up.com

If you’ve already accidentally let the app phone home and got yourself blacklisted, delete the following key from your registry and use another key

x86: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ CLSID\{64A3D41B-61A5-4834-9A42-FDE1C37B0008}]

x64: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ Wow6432Node\CLSID\{64A3D41B-61A5-4834-9A42-FDE1C37B0008}]

I'm not sure if deleting those keys are necessary, but I managed to register by using a new key w/o touching the registry.

how you will put the key if already blacklisted?

Before I knew about the host file modication, I had them blocked with my firewall and had my firewall disabled while using Tune Up and it got blacklisted. Then, I just had to use the keygen to generate another key and register with it.

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ok am with u about host or fw

but how u will put the key if already blacklisted

in my case after blacklisted no more register menu

so how?

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currently im not using TU anymore but i think you can enter the key by clicking "Enter original product key"

Posted Image

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currently im not using TU anymore but i think you can enter the key by clicking "Enter original product key"

Posted Image

Posted Image

Even when you're blacklisted, you can enter a new product key. It was like this in my case too...

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ok am with u about host or fw

but how u will put the key if already blacklisted

in my case after blacklisted no more register menu

so how?

I honestly do not remember, it was quite long ago. I'm sorry, but if you want, I will reproduce the situation for you.

Update: As 'unknownasphyxiated' has pointed out, that's how you enter the key again. And besides, there has to be a way to enter the keys or there wouldn't be a way to register it after purchasing it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

To avoid the online check, block the app either with a firewall (recommended) or add the following line to your hosts file:

\Windows\System32\drivers\etc secure.tune-up.com

If you’ve already accidentally let the app phone home and got yourself blacklisted, delete the following key from your registry and use another key

x86: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ CLSID\{64A3D41B-61A5-4834-9A42-FDE1C37B0008}]

x64: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ Wow6432Node\CLSID\{64A3D41B-61A5-4834-9A42-FDE1C37B0008}]

I have looked for these lines and dont have them on either system I,m running. I,m still blacklisted after adding secure.tune-up.com

to host file. tried fresh in stall and clean registry but still no joy. any help please?

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I don't see the guide

You can add this at your hosts-file:   www.order.tune-up.com127.0.0.1   www.tune-up.com127.0.0.1   www.tune-up.com/order127.0.0.1   www.registertuneup.com127.0.0.1   secure.tune-up.com

currently im not using TU anymore but i think you can enter the key by clicking "Enter original product key"

Posted Image

Posted Image

Even when you're blacklisted, you can enter a new product key. It was like this in my case too...

What's about this ?
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