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MOBO died?


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Hi, guys! I've got a problem. When my computer starts, it does not show video and there's no bip sound. I've resetted CMOS and disabled HDD and CD/DVD reader/recorder and the card reader but it does not start. Even when I put off the video and sound card.

Is it dead or can I make it work again? Please help me!

EDIT: tested with my old power supply and the same problem follows.

EDIT #1: The problem started when I replaced my old 250GB WD HDD with a 1TB GREEN WD HDD. I was using a power sata cable like this (for HDD and CD/DVD reader/recorder) and I did unplug it to use the ones that came with power supply. (The sata power cables that came with power supply have an orange cable, [also it has a black, yellow and red one], maybe that is the responsible). I unplugged it and replaced with the cable of the pic but problem follows.

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Does your MoBo have an integrated video card? Do you (also) have an external video card?

The no beeps does worry me...

If you keep your HD turned on do you 'hear' any activity or do you see the HD activity light flashing?

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I have an external and an integrated video card. And HDD does "activity" noise. And activity led is working too.

A few minutes again mobo turns off automatically. (I think the power supply has that because of protection).

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Check your CPU and heatsink. And is the CPU fan working?

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Well, after starting mobo, I can hear HDD "activity" but there're not flashing lights.

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Well, after starting mobo, I can hear HDD "activity" but there're not flashing lights.


Try testing the battery charge. If it's ok, then try removing memory. Depending on how many memory banks are you using, remove all of them and test one by one in all of the slots.

Hope this helps.

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Battery is OK. RAM memory is OK. MOBO has two memory banks, but I only use one. (I've got 2 GB RAM memory)

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Hi, guys! I've got a problem. When my computer starts, it does not show video and there's no bip sound. I've resetted CMOS and disabled HDD and CD/DVD reader/recorder and the card reader but it does not start. Even when I put off the video and sound card.

Is it dead or can I make it work again? Please help me!

EDIT: tested with my old power supply and the same problem follows.

hello Mr. my blind guess is you are having problem with processor over heat due that pc will switch off within 10 minute or so if you do not see any picture after your pc started then only possible reason is display panel having problem. so slowly find out what is the problem. mainly i think it is display problem. best of luck with hunting the problem cheers :)

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You didn't answer to the fan question. Is the CPU fan working? Can you enter BIOS to monitor what's going on, temps/voltages/rpm? What is you videocard? Does it have a fan? Is it working?

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hello Mr. my blind guess is you are having problem with processor over heat due that pc will switch off within 10 minute or so if you do not see any picture after your pc started then only possible reason is display panel having problem. so slowly find out what is the problem. mainly i think it is display problem. best of luck with hunting the problem cheers :)

If the problem were on the display, a beep should be heard after starting mobo, don't you think so? -_-

You didn't answer to the fan question. Is the CPU fan working? Can you enter BIOS to monitor what's going on, temps/voltages/rpm? What is you videocard? Does it have a fan? Is it working?

Fan is working. I can't access BIOS. My computer screen is black.

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Have you tried removing your 'external' graphics card and connecting your monitor to your integrated solution, please try that if not ;)

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When my computer was having no beeps but fan and other devices were powering up fine, it was my CPU not connected tightly to the heatsink and the fan. Hence overheating and shutting down within couple of seconds.

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@shought I've tried that but no solution...

@dkt27 I've checked that and no problems.

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If you are 100% sure that your CPU is properly cooled and seated, than it can only be the VGA. Many have beep/LED codes that allow you to see if the video card boots properly and diagnostics are run OK. You should seek the model that you have on the net for these codes and see what you have, 

But 1st try removing the card and using another (if you have one handy), since the onboard didn't work out.

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ARe you DEEEFF... man.. gAAAhhh MAN.. wtf .. mahhhn.. :lmao:

Have you tried switching monitors? Power and lights to the monitor are okay? Does the monitor come out of StandBy when you boot?

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Try using the jumper on your mobo & see whether you can eter BIOS thereafter, the system shutting down regularly is to prevent thermal breakdown & any futher damage to rest of the components thereafter on your mobo. If you can't enter BIOS then probably you might have POST disabled since alot of mobos thesedays allow partial/NO POST messages also if you can't see your system/Windows screen it might well be due to your IGP/VGA card so make sure that you load optimal default/failsafe options from your BIOS for further troubleshooting also do check for any signs of physical damage (mostly due to overheating or A/V fluctuations) on your mobo/Graphics Card !

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Have you tried switching monitors? Power and lights to the monitor are okay? Does the monitor come out of StandBy when you boot?

I don't understand you.

Try using the jumper on your mobo & see whether you can eter BIOS thereafter, the system shutting down regularly is to prevent thermal breakdown & any futher damage to rest of the components thereafter on your mobo. If you can't enter BIOS then probably you might have POST disabled since alot of mobos thesedays allow partial/NO POST messages also if you can't see your system/Windows screen it might well be due to your IGP/VGA card so make sure that you load optimal default/failsafe options from your BIOS for further troubleshooting also do check for any signs of physical damage (mostly due to overheating or A/V fluctuations) on your mobo/Graphics Card !

I've resetted BIOS twice. No physical damage. Video card is OK.

FLASH BIOS >> delete bios >> then flash bios with a new bios or old bios>>> same thing happened to me AND then my computer worked

the mainframe just needed a little bios mod i guess well good luck

Floppy how can you flash BIOS when no post screen can be seen? :lol:

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FLASH BIOS >> delete bios >> then flash bios with a new bios or old bios>>> same thing happened to me AND then my computer worked :woot: -peace ;)

the mainframe just needed a little bios mod i guess well good luck

This should always be the last option cause if you mess up then say goodbye to your mobo unless you have one of those dual BIOS ones !

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Actually, you can flash the BIOS. My manual says that I just need a CD or anything similar connected that has the right BIOS file in it, it will auto flash itself as soon as possible during the boot.

That's besides though.

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José Matías Lemos

I've resetted BIOS twice. No physical damage. Video card is OK.

Did you try the jumper or was it after entering the BIOS (before the POST disappeared) ?

Floppy how can you flash BIOS when no post screen can be seen?

You can do that from within Windows there are dedicated apps from the BIOS/mobo(details please) manufacturers.

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Actually, you can flash the BIOS. My manual says that I just need a CD or anything similar connected that has the right BIOS file in it, it will auto flash itself as soon as possible during the boot.

That's besides though.

Not only the BIOS file but a bootable image e.g. iso for CD/DVD OR a floppy image.

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Did you try the jumper or was it after entering the BIOS (before the POST disappeared) ?

You can do that from within Windows there are dedicated apps from the BIOS/mobo(details please) manufacturers.

BIOS dissapeared. I heard a "clic" or something similar when this problem began and computer shutdown suddenly.

I've tried both, the jumper and removing the battery (obviously, with HDD, DVD/CD, card reader, floppy drive, power source and RAM unplugged).

My mobo is an ASROCK N68-S. You can use a Windows app or run a DOS floppy disc or press F6 when promped at POST or, if I'm not bad, from the BIOS menu you can flash it.

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