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Run as far as I can like Leet. :P

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That's a tight spot you got yourself into ^_^

I guess if you want the relationship to work you must comply.

The next step is to treat the phobia your female companion has.

It would be best to treat it now or it will bite you in the @$$ much later.

In order to treat the condition, you either use meds or psyche interventions.

However, I prefer psyche interventions or psychotherapy rather than meds if I can help it.

One type of psyche intervention is cognitive therapy.

It aims in changing thinking patterns. finding ways of redefining or coming to terms with core beliefs behind certain fears.

Another type is behavioral therapy, specifically desensitization therapy.

It's effective for certain phobias where you let the person deal with a situation under controlled conditions.

Confronting fears in the safety of a therapeutic environment helps to dull people's phobias.

It gradually helps them put the fears - and their responses to them - into perspective.

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  On 10/4/2010 at 9:55 PM, Bizarre™ said:


That's a tight spot you got yourself into ^_^

I guess if you want the relationship to work you must comply.

The next step is to treat the phobia your female companion has.

It would be best to treat it now or it will bite you in the @$$ much later.

In order to treat the condition, you either use meds or psyche interventions.

However, I prefer psyche interventions or psychotherapy rather than meds if I can help it.

One type of psyche intervention is cognitive therapy.

It aims in changing thinking patterns. finding ways of redefining or coming to terms with core beliefs behind certain fears.

Another type is behavioral therapy, specifically desensitization therapy.

It's effective for certain phobias where you let the person deal with a situation under controlled conditions.

Confronting fears in the safety of a therapeutic environment helps to dull people's phobias.

It gradually helps them put the fears - and their responses to them - into perspective.

Uhm while these are correct and good recommendations for a person to get help..

I lived this one out in real time.. its isn't fun and you can loose your life in the process of loving and caring for someone...

You need to disappear... Document any threats .. results fro fighting with the police as they occur and from the first instance of stupidity to the last.. Press charges, get a restraining order... and disappear..

The first order of business needs to be to find an opportunity that they are gone.. and move any and all of your possessions to a location which is undisclosed to them.. with help in a timely manner.. If its just you in your apartment.. then you need to move immediately.. The charges, letter for them to get some help with their problem, lawsuit for damages, and responsibility for the cost to your life which they have cause along with the trauma... all later.. Main objective keep what they are going to destroy intact and be ahead of the game.. with stealthiness..

Real deal here .. NEVER move in with anyone no matter how badly they push ( so much can be said here on that point ).. no matter what card they play.. and as a rule of thumb .. before you believe and feel that its time.. you should at least have known someone for a year or so.. an been n their company in many situations and seen how they will react in all instances.. always aware of what people are around and do not be blind to little questionable points.. and realize what twisted could be connected.. BEFORE they even so much as know where you work.. what you do for fun and where.. You want to do these things with them.. do them in another location.. Never allow an opportunity for them to so much as even read any personal information.. and be discrete in your personal calls and have a clean phone.. Do not allow someone to shit on your lawn.. in other words.. This can actually cause a domino effect of triggered issues mixed with traumatic experiences which CAN be a tangled mess to destroy your life..

This part of life is not a game.. quite a serious matter from my perspective... it can happen with guys as well as women.. For most of us.. its about having fun and meeting people and doing normal things..everything else.. but when psycho is around.. your life is a fucking horror story.. every step you take afterwards is effected.. Plan for it from the beginning and be smart about it but be careful not to set off to many alarms about being safe.. or explain it to them.. about why... and NEVER .. even if they say they have had the same happen..DO NOT.. let down your guard until you are sure.. Do not find yourself questioning anything.. They can't handle it then they can't be with you and will make the mistakes to bring the wrong thing to the relationship between the two of you..

I miss the days and life I had before it...

EDIT: The other bad advise may actually bring it into perspective for some of you... which would be to catch them sleep or at an opportune moment.. and blow a whole in their head the size of a grapefruit with a sawed-off or 50 cal.. pick up the phone and call the police.. Tell them what you just did... and go to prison for life.. or gas chamber.. or w/e and be one step ahead of it...

Its going to be your life or their's no matter what in the end.. even if you don't die when they get done with you... sometimes living through it is the worst torture of all... so don't let it... be smart...

...AND most importantly do nothing unless its self-defense.. else you become as bad as the thing thats going on..which is an instinctive thing which can twist your head up and around it.. and scare the shit out of yourself.. In the eyes of the law your the same... regardless... Make it work for you .. not on you... You have an army of armed trained people to help.. ( who have the legal authority to respond with deadly force in the line of duty ) don't go it alone..

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This is where I say: Read Between The Lines ^_^

  On 10/4/2010 at 9:55 PM, Bizarre™ said:
you let the person deal with a situation under controlled conditions.

There are guidelines in dealing with people with phobias.

Of course, if one doesn't follow the guidelines and sh!t happens, it's their fault.

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prob the question with the most in depth answers :lmao:

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  On 10/5/2010 at 11:13 AM, Bizarre™ said:


This is where I say: Read Between The Lines ^_^

  On 10/4/2010 at 9:55 PM, Bizarre™ said:
you let the person deal with a situation under controlled conditions.

There are guidelines in dealing with people with phobias.

Of course, if one doesn't follow the guidelines and sh!t happens, it's their fault.

To be honest I don't really think its all of the people's responsibility to put their lives on the line.. while someone .. sits in a controlled environment and fails... How many lives go down the drain and how much damage should everyone pay on their behalf...

Its something they need to face and deal with on their own.. The mistake comes when normal people try to live their lives... and shit like this doesn't get separated from society .. there is enough causality and casualty living life without it... and everyone else is supposed to care and nurture and keep normal afloat.. It does not work.. while its good hearted and to be commended from some.. its not the thing to do for the sake of life itself..

Leave it to their family.. or let them wind up in jail.. where they will get the help or be turned over to the necessary facilities who have the resources... any one person facing it.. doesn't have it.. you can't balance a life and this too.. and you cannot hover over someone 24 hours a day.. The most disgusting is that people confuse and mix this with love.. in their minds they are completely justified in doing so.. Who cares if you die or I kill you... thats supposedly the cost..

One of those things I definitely don't need to talk about on this forum..

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I understand your concern, but it's our job. We really don't have the luxury of choosing ^_^

That's why being on the health profession is both a gift and a curse.

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on a bad mood (or if want to tease her), I would do the exact opposite of what she want's me to do.

on a good mood, I would do what ever she want's.

But commonly I wouldn't date a girl having "yandere phobia".

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  On 10/5/2010 at 12:22 PM, Bizarre™ said:


I understand your concern, but it's our job. We really don't have the luxury of choosing ^_^

That's why being on the health profession is both a gift and a curse.

Well your right.. it is your profession.. but at the cost of someone's .. with disabilities, .. and being physically maimed for over a process of a 9 hour fight for your life is way to far.. not to mention following complete financial ..( of your existence, everything you have worked your lifetime for )...ruin and the mental destruction of the victim... I don't see it being in the best of anyone but a health care provider.. and something that people should get away from and stay away from.. Its actually loving someone that will kill.. because you try harder to make it work and to be their support.. but you in the end are left with nothing but the back-end of a seemingly rotten cancerous blackening effect on your life... that once was all of you.. Its a domino effect.. knock over the first one and each and every element will follow and can become quite permanent.. not the economy not kind words.. or best considerations can be made to ever allow it to repair...

I just feel its bad to advise... anyone to put themselves in that position... to be a better person or never give up.. to make it work where you see it all fail.. Some things will never live again... ( they are too fragile )...once they are destroyed and lives cannot be rebuilt if the necessary situations exist.. too costly.. ( and I do not mean financially ) ..and while you seem to give all of the room to those who are ill.. I think that in the end effect you should also consider others involved.. because of the elements involved you cannot leave it unsaid...

I cannot even take it light-hearted... I know every thought that lead up to it.. I know every emotion and every effecting aspect...

But anyway... do what you can and what you will... if it doesn't stand on its own two feet.. it might as well be dead to me... I have nothing left to pay.. and will never be indebted to it...

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well this one should be fairy amusing....Let no perverted thought concealed....Everything goes!


You get hit in the head and collapse into a coma for two years. You wake up in the hospital and go to the window only to see the f*****g Apocalypse going down right before your very eyes.

The Eart's core is about to implode, and you only have 48 hours left to live.

What do n.f? :evil:

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same as the last....Let no perverted thought concealed....Everything goes!


You wake up, do your normal routine, then go to school. Nothing really interesting happens there, and you decide to skip the last 3 classes, because you can! On your way home, you stop by the arcade, like the notorious bastard that you are. After 2-3 well spent hours, you head back home.

As you walk towards you house, you head towards the last traffic light. As you approach it, a dog passes by you. It's a very weird dog, as it only has fur on 30% of its body, and looks like something that came out of "Alien". Finally you reach the last traffic light. front of you lies the scattered brains of a girl who got hit by a truck. You stop at her body, give her corpse a R.I.P speech, and then you go home.

Next day, you wake up, do your usual routine, then head to school. As usual, the classes are boring as hell, so you decide to skip the last 3 classes.....You also stop by the arcade, where you spend 2 hours and 30 minutes.

On your way home, you stop by that same traffic light, and think "shit, this is where that girl's brains were scattered the other day.". But before you can make a step, you see the girl who's brains got splattered running towards you, and you're thinking "like what the f**k! didn't she just die yesterday?".

At that moment, the truck who was responsible for her death, hits her and kills her again, in the same manor.....you fly straight home, label this incident as a "bad dream" and just play at the pc till it's time for bed.....However, the events of that day, repeat the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that.....at this point, you start thinking that you've gone insane.

After 6 days of this repeats, you decide to save the girl, instead of letting her get killed. The girl turns out to be from the future, 350 years from now, and tells you that your city is trapped inside a time bubble, which was caused due to her dimensional teleportation to the past, and the only way to stop it is to destroy the anomaly which caused the time bubble.

She then proceeds to tell you that the anomaly has taken the form of a dog, and is capable of influencing certain machines to a degree to stop its own destruction. She cannot kill the dog herself, because she's infused with nanobots, which the dog can influence, paralyzing her body....Now the problem lies that, the dog could be anywhere in your city. However, she tells you that the dog in question, was the very dog which always passed by you as you stopped at the last traffic light, and she was trying to kill it, but wasn't able to, because it would always influence that truck to ram into her, killing her, and that the dog cannot leave the boundaries of your neighborhood.

The dog itself is harmless, and won't attack anybody if it doesn't feel threatened. ...You have a s**tload of questions for the girl, but the one you ask is "so what's gonna happen tomorrow? if I saved you today, will you die the next day again?", but get the reply "no, since you've broker my fate to die, by saving me, I won't go anywhere starting from now.

She tells you, that this day will keep repeating, until you kill that dog....Now a very evil thought runs through you head. If you kill the dog, you will break the bubble, but if you don't kill it, this day will keep on repeating. And since it will repeat each day, you start wondering about all the "fascinating" stuff you could do. Like rape, steal, kill as much as you want until you decide to kill that dog.

So do you kill the dog and end the time bubble, or do you start turning those dirty thoughts into reality?

What do n.f? :evil:

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I'll enjoy for few days and then kill that alien canine. ^_^

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spend a few days getting rich -> then kill the dog -> party :party:

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I won't annoy you all by saying this is impossible (oh, I just did :P).

Anyhow, supposing it is possible:

Getting rich wouldn't get you anywhere I think, because the hypothetical situation assumes that everything stays the same and only you have a recollection of the repetitiveness so any money you'd 'earn' would probably disappear the next day. Your experiences would last though, any man in this kind of power would abuse it, probably :P I'd at least demand a two-way ticket to and back from the future in return for my good deed, in the end :D

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This is like Groundhog Day. :)

I agree with Shought. What I would do is, since she's from the future, I would ask information about the future like the winning lotto numbers, or get a copy of a sports almanac (Back to the future? :D ) , and after I killed the dog and stop the time bubble, I would use those information I got and get rich. :lol:

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I'm gonna make the most out of it. Just like how Naruto spams with Shadow Clones :P

I mean, I'm theoretically immortal right? Then why not add or improve my skillz?

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You make fun of a girl at school because she picked on you cause you were asleep during class. You couldn't help it, because the class was boring as f**k, and she being the class president was given a speech about it. She keeps on rambling, but you pay no attention to her. Finally when she sees that you really don't give a f**k about it, she tries to slap you, which you deflect with your hand.

This was the final straw, and you let out your frustration on her, humiliating her in front of the class....She leaves in tears, but before she goes past the door, she curses you.

You wake up the next day and go to school. The class president was missing that day, and you just let it slide and go about your daily routine.

Finally school week is over and you can relax cause tomorrow, weekend starts. You arrive at home, and start to play at the PC. After a while you get thirsty and hungry, and decide to go outside to buy juice and pizza.

You finish buying the juice and pizza, and head back home. You pour some juice into your glass and open the pizza and flip the head on the box containing the pizza. Before you get back on your chair, you decide to relieve yourself, and go to the toilet.

You put your hands into your pants to get out "johnny", but notice something weird.....Johnny is nowhere to be found, and you find yourself with a p***y instead. Your body is starting to turn into that of a girl's.

What do n.f? :evil:

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..uhhh hmm... and I quote.." She says she ain't a gold-digga.. but she it'n messin' with no broke ni^^a..." LOL...

Besides that I already know.. LOL... but I would want Johnny back... Here's one you'll Like ...offer her .. her first homosexual experience in exchange.. apologize and grovel... and be sensible... and opt to humiliate yourself in any way she sees fit in public.. ( according to societal structure.. ) Which deep down makes you no difference either way... might even turn you on..

Then if she said NO.. I would take over the world using my pu55y alone... nothing but shade when I am in town ( reference to Sweet Pu55y Pauline.. ).... C>>CC>>C>CU>>>.Cu.CU.. Cunt.. :rofl:

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No, No better make it a double-header.. 18"... Doc Johnson all the way.. Gonna do it.. do it right... not that I would know ANYTHING about any of that..

Why would do I also wind up giving advise... :lmao: I wonder...

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  • 2 weeks later...


You go to a party. See this


What do n.f? :evil:

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oh yeah. f**k yeah; it's zombie time!


You're into horror movies, and so is your gf. Your fav movie type is zombie movies, and the same goes for your gf as well. You have a collection of all zombie movies, zombie figurines and zombie posters.

One day, after returning from a movie, you see a suspicious tent. Inside it is a so called 'necromancer' who gives you a potion free of charger, saying that it will fulfill your heart's 'very desire'. You take it, and head on home, get laid, and go to sleep.

The next day you wake up to see your gf turned into a zombie because she drank the potion while you were sleeping, thinking that she will surprise you. She asks you to 'take responsibility'

What do n.f? :evil:

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Take the gun, point it and boom headshot. "Take that for showing your ugly face when I wake up". :P

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I could say so many things right here.. LOL

BUT first I would say UHM hell no.. your the one who decided to drink it... and it was supposed to be your fate anyway... Next I would winder how Zombie brains even knows what that means anyway... But yeah the rest of it I am just lost on.. without writing story.. LOL

.. and we all know how that would go given the level of understanding and personal responsibility that most people have anyway.. border-lining on character flaws that manifest themselves as mental illness.. Low level but .. anyway..

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Time to put that noggin to use.


Which super power is the ultimate super power?

What do n.f? :evil:

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