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I've been using this lately, and find it entertaining to read the home page :D

It uses Googles search engine anonomously, so you can use it in any web browser. I use it in Firefox, or theres a Firefox addon if you don't want the homepage.

I know its not new, but have seen no reference to it on the forum, and was wondering if anyone used it? Or had an opinion on it. Like I say I've only just started using it so don't know a great deal about it or its politics.

If you haven't heard about it heres a write up from how-to-hide-ip.info

The source code of this service was released in 2005 that will disguise your internet address when you run a Google search. Public Information research, Inc, who also runs Google Watch has released it to the public. Every time you search on Google, they keep a history of everything. They keep it until 2038! The Scroogle only keeps it for 48 hours and never saves your cookies.

Scroogle is a plug-in you add to your internet browser and it becomes your secret search from then on out. No more, will anyone know what you’re searching for and you’re able to search without being bugged by all the advertisements. With Scroogle, you will search without the worries of someone knowing what you are searching for and to top it off they don’t bother you with ads! Hiding your IP address is a must for some people while others it doesn’t seem to bother them.

Many people feel like they are letting the world into their lives when they go on a computer. They know where you go what you do and what you watch, all without you even knowing it. Kind of scary isn’t it. You can now use all of Google’s nifty search tools without any of your personal information being collected by them. He doesn’t save the results and deletes all his logs every week to maintain your privacy. It leads you to think about being on the internet. There is always someone out there that will help you hide something, somehow.

There are many sites you can visit that will tell you about infringing on your privacy. Others will tell you how this ‘Scroogle is wrong and shouldn’t be used because it infringes on ‘Google’ site. No matter what you do or how you do it someone will be mad or complain about it. It’s a ‘have your cake and eat it to’ definition. It is totally up to you whether you want to use it or not. Depends on why you need to hide any of your searches to begin with I guess. It’s free to top it off and it’s less work you have to do to hide anything you need to. I see it is still up and running so they haven’t been stopped yet!

Home page http://www.scroogle.org/


Homepage about setup and a typical homepage search

Just curious about peoples experiences with it and opinions.

Take care :)

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I have been using Scroogle for about two months now. I have come to like it. It does not have the cached web page like google, but that is no problem. I have switched to Scroogle as my default search in FireFox so now when I highlight and Rt click words on a web page, it searches Scroogle instead. Another plus is I no longer have to put up with that damn "everything bar" on the left side of the search results page (ugh). That, I think was the last straw for me and I got fed up with Google. Well, that and Google's "all your information belongs to us to do with as we please" policy.

Another search engine I use as well: ixquick.com

It allows you to search anonymously as well. Scroogle search uses google whereas ixquick uses several search engine databases.

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