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P2P Projects Dominate SourceForge Top10


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by enigmax

We all know how popular file-sharing has become but with six file-sharing applications occupying the first six places in SourceForge’s Top 10 All-Time Downloads, surely the people have spoken. We love sharing files and we enjoy - no, we demand - Open Source!

Here is a brief rundown of the Top 10 along with links to the project’s SourceForge page. Azureus is the first BitTorrent client in the list, with well over 138 million downloads.

(Correct at 13:00GMT)

Rank Project Downloads

1. eMule 292,639,768

2. Azureus 138,695,302

3. Ares Galaxy 85,283,858

4. BitTorrent 51,850,559

5. DC++ 43,987,905

6. Shareaza 35,773,570

7. CDex 31,347,185

8. Virtual Dub 31,161,757

9. GTK+ and The GIMP installers for Windows 24,094,604

10. 7-Zip 21,291,012

eMule Plus just missed the Top10, sitting where it does at number 11 with 21,018,700 downloads and is backed up by FTP project FileZilla at number 13 with 19,944,891 gets.

The seasoned file-sharer is only too aware of how important the Open Source software movement is to their cause and SourceForge’s stats appear to reinforce that. I wonder how long it will take the fresh-faced BitTorrent client Halite to break the Top 10? It’s currently ranked 8,117 with 8,848 downloads. 2008? 2009? Why not give it a try!

Source: Torrent Freak

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