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Hey guys,

I'm coming to you with yet another dilemma that I dont know whether is ethical or plain out scamming..

Right, so I now have a very respectable job in the Financial Industry and move around a lot. I rarely get to touch my PC and have to use the office's outdated system. I want to sell my desktop and buy an eeePC so I can work on the move. perhaps you guys could also recommend a decent laptop thats within the range of £400 - 500 or in American Dollars $1000.

Now, the problem is trying to market it...

Here's a few specs in a nutshell that everyone tends to look at

  • Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7400 @ 2.80GHz
  • ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
  • WDC WD3200AAJS-00L7A0 ATA Device (298.09GB)
  • 2 gig Ram

The standard price I was planning to sell this for is £250. Just the tower and nothing included.

Now the extra bundle that I hope will shoot it to 400 or around this figure is the inclusion of Free Legit games and more

  • Dawn of War 2
  • Left 4 Dead
  • Elder Scrolls: Morrow
  • Red ALert 3
  • S510 Keyboard & Mice combo (Wireless)
  • Dell 2-way sound system with Bass Unit
  • Windows 7 OS - This is the dilemma part
  • 1 year tech support from myself
  • Other free softwares such as CCleaner, FF, Chrome, Open Office (M$ Office) etc already installed

Would I be able to achieve that figure of £400 with all these included?

I was thinking I could label the Win7 as legit because it says so in the System Info. Would I be able to pass that off? Would you say likewise? An acceptable thing to do?

Also, could someone tell me what they would value the system at. I plan to use sentences such as runs Crysis on Ultra detail (Which it does) to really try make those gamers wet themselves.

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