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Prevx SafeOnline


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<img src="http://www.nsanedown.com/images/logos/PrevxSO.png" class="logo" alt="Prevx SafeOnline" title="Prevx SafeOnline" />Prevx SafeOnline secures your private information while you bank or shop online - better defending you against internet fraud caused by PC infections. Malicious software developers are constantly testing and developing new methods to evade detection. When a PC is infected with a stealth piece of malware information that is stored on it could be copied and stolen through the Internet browser. To protect information being stolen while browsing on an unknowingly infected PC, we developed Prevx SafeOnline. Prevx SafeOnline will protect your information entered in or displayed by your Internet browser, by locking down the operating system and services to ensure that only "known good" processes and services are allowed to run.

<a href="http://www.nsanedown.com/?request=53528409" target="_blank" class="dl">Download</a>

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