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How do I properly backup Outlook emails/accounts/folders/ect


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Hi all.

I have a question regarding part of the data backup process that I never seem to be able to get quite right.

My method of data backup is to run a live CD with the harddrive that needs backing up connected and manually select and transfer the owners personal data and program settings (google earth, bookmarks, ect). Now that is all easy enough but where I encounter difficulty is when I backup the contents of the Outlook/Outlook Express data folders I find to me and my customers dissapointment that when I transfer the files back to a newly reformatted machine and open Outlook/Express the accounts still need manually configuring and most of the time their old emails and personalized file structures have gone altogether.

Now I know there is the ability to export account settings and emails in the Outlook/Express software itself but when a harddrive is dying and/or will not boot/access properly, how does one succesfuly backup the users Outlook/Express accounts/emails/folders/settings ???

Any help will be much appreciated.


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@dev dont forget which computer u backing up home computer /enterprise or corporate computer

@Night owl gr8 tutorial bro

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