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Debunking Common Windows Performance Tweaking Myths


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Just found this superb article few minutes ago....

The truth about Windows tweaks !!!

Debunking Common Windows Performance Tweaking Myths


As a tech writer, one of my biggest pet peeves is the plethora of bad advice littered across almost every web site dedicated to system tweaking. Besides the tweaks that simply don't work, some of them will actually cause your computer to run even slower—or worse. Let's examine some of the most offensive myths out there regarding PC performance tweaking, and debunk them once and for all.

The article :




PS: LOL. it has been wrote two years ago, and every weeks, I see still these "tweaks" around the WEB and even in magazines !!!

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What a coincidence, 2 of the 3 mentioned services are the ones I disable. I also disable security center service as I have noticed improvement on XP machines, I leave superfetch on because I believe on a fast enough machine the benefits are greater and the performance hit is minimal. Plus on Windows7 I believe superfetch is responsible for some other things that are best kept enabled, I don't remember the details though...

You are right though, some of those fake tweaks are all over the web and the snake oil memory optimiser programs have been around since windows 95 and people still think they work. :lol:

Imagine what they would think about Linux memory management, Linux tries to full all available memory with cached data so your available ram always appears to be low but in reality this caching boosts performance by using ram instead of keeping it empty. Linux does clear out stuff when applications demand more ram of course, point is that memory in use is not a measure of the performance abilities of a system so those snake oil programs are total crap.

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Nice to know about the myth of tweaking.

There are a lot of myth out there with regards to tweaking Windows.

Keep it up.

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