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Panda Cloud Antivirus, have you tried it?

Pain of Salvation

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Pain of Salvation

Have anyone here tried the new Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.1? Very light and very high detection rates! I'm really impressed with it...




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:think: Looks really promising mate. :food: But does it remove the (actual) threats or just offer a full system scan?

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I have always been skeptic with panda and found their products horrible. But panda cloud av have really changed my mind. version 1.1 rocks, but GOD i hate that they have made a Pro version (and for that price?!!!)!!!

Would be awesome to see someone at nsane come up with a crack or patch..

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Yeah its really nice, i am currently using it with comodo firewall!

Its very light and powerfull, no problems!

Installation is very easy, no need to restart!

Not many false positives like ESET or Kaspersky for cracks/keygens etc.

It can be used with almost all realtime antivirus applications!

No wonder for the pro version, they have to earn money, if they would giveaway everything for free... :)

Not many special functions in pro anyway:

-Behavioral analysis of running processes(I don't think that this will increase the detection, if there is a running process(malware) then your system is probably allready infected, doesn't matter if panda kills it for any behavior.)

-Automatic USB vaccination.(For what? I mean why should it do it automatically, you need to formate the USB drive to remove the vaccination, so i'd like to do that only if i want.)

-Automatic & transparent upgrades(TZ for what, we are all up to date here on nsanedown :P)

-VIP Support (For what?)

-No advertising of nagging screens(They only appear when you try to enable Behavioral analysis or Automatic USB vaccination which is only for pro.)

@Tucker it removes everything that it finds immediately!

@Dooohhh you can request it @coderscorner, just make a new request topic!

Here some review videos:

by mrizos:

by Languy:

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currently i'm using G-data AV + Comodo Firewall

everything seems right and light

but this looks Good also :ph34r:

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I run it for 10-15 minutes here and found it light. Quick scan speedy is good (but not as Prevx or Hitman pro - but still good). In av-comparatives it received a "Advanced" only because of FP's... But for me, if the FP's is with unknown apps normaly packed and/or not signed and not with important system files... i can live with that. Another point is when you work with advanced heuristcs and behaviour analisys... FP's is something to expect. In a superficial view, looks promising.

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To remove the nag screen which appears when you scan or try to enable functions of pro version do this:

1. Boot in SafeMode

2. Browse to C:\Users\All Users\AppData\Panda Security\Panda Cloud Antivirus\PROINFO\eng\UpsPeriodic

3. Rename the file "index.html" inside the folder UpsPeriodic into "Index.htmll".

4. Browse to C:\Users\All Users\AppData\Panda Security\Panda Cloud Antivirus\PROINFO\eng\UpsServices

5. Rename the file "index.html" inside the folder UpsServices into "Index.htmll".

the folder "eng" is only for english version, you will have to do the same with the folder of your language.

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Pain of Salvation

:think: Looks really promising mate. :food: But does it remove the (actual) threats or just offer a full system scan?

Yes, it blocks in realtime and removes the malware if you get infected.

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panada free is quite poor...i have already use it

I think I have seen you somewhere,o(∩_∩)o 哈哈

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Ive had a fetish between NORTON and KIS lately but Panda? wtf never used it , to each their own i guess lol

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  • 5 weeks later...

To remove the nag screen which appears when you scan or try to enable functions of pro version do this:

1. Boot in SafeMode

2. Browse to C:\Users\All Users\AppData\Panda Security\Panda Cloud Antivirus\PROINFO\eng\UpsPeriodic

3. Rename the file "index.html" inside the folder UpsPeriodic into "Index.htmll".

4. Browse to C:\Users\All Users\AppData\Panda Security\Panda Cloud Antivirus\PROINFO\eng\UpsServices

5. Rename the file "index.html" inside the folder UpsServices into "Index.htmll".

the folder "eng" is only for english version, you will have to do the same with the folder of your language.

donot work, what happened.

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