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Internet Fluctuation


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Dear Readers,

This is the strangest thing ever... As mentioned in my previous thread, I had ot replace my Motherboard because it fried out on me... But after having ti fixed a few more problems have come about but most are minor and can be fixed easily but this one problem is getting on my nerves and I have already tried a few things to 'fix' it with no luck.

My internet fluctuates TOO often as at first I thought it would go away by itself, tested through uTorrent + Speed Test Sites (Speakeasy + testmy). So for my Download/Upload in uTorrent every now and then it would pretty much just 'die' go from max up speed(60kB) and just plummet to low 10's kB, the download isn't affected too much though which I find weird(It drops but not as greatly)... And when I do speed tests the results give me like .5-.9mbps when I have a 4mb connection and it is funny to see the test 'fly' by and just FREEZE all of a sudden...

^Almost forgot to mention, for the DHT Status in uTorrent.. whenever I 'ReFresh' the save for Applications under my Router it works.. But once I restart uTorrent it says the port isn't forwarded anymore ><'

I have already tried resetting both the Cable MOdem + Router, and I am not sure if me setting up 'OpenDNS' affects it because I had already had it setup with my old computer before i had the Mobo replaced. Also another change which i don't know if it is a big deal is.. My 'IP' has changed before mine ended in .100, and now it switched to .103 and in Router Settings i have it start at .100 (My sisters is .101) so I don't know if that matters.. Also I have tried NUMERUES time to update the Firmware to the Router and it 'updates' but never 'updates' Meaning it shows up as being updated but when it goes to the main screen it is back to the default version number.

As for updating my Network Card.. Ehh I am not too sure as before with old mobo it gave me an actual name of the Card but now it only reads as 'Nvidia nforce networking controller (Version: and if it helps , This is my Motherboard and I am aware there is a integ. VC but I went ahead and bought This One as I don't know if that information is needed.

Well if you need anymore information just let me know...And here are some more Specs:

AMD Athlon64 3000+ Processor, 1.87GHz, 1.00GB DDR RAM


Linkysis RT41-BU Wired Router

Lastly... On Sister's computer it is obviously the same that I run the speed tests and it freezes up etc...

So any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.

EDIT: Seems because of the replacement of Motherboards the MAC Address changed so I fixed the problem of the DHT being enabled on uTorrent. But then for SpeedTests I still find it interesting that when testing at SpeakEasy, it goes smoothly and the rates seem right.. But when testing at testmy.net, the progress is 'slow,glitchy' and says my connection (DL) is less than 1mb when on SpeakEasy it is just about 3.6ishmb... So ><

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Guest alex626av

Contact your isp and add something like that it affects commication with your bussiness and act mad and tell them that you want them to fix the prob for free. They should fix it

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  • 2 weeks later...

i dont think youd even need to say its for your buisnes your paying for that service give them hell if they dont fix it

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  • 4 weeks later...

Do you have a great AV installed on all computers on your network? It sounds like either your modem and or router are dying slowly or you're dealing with some kinda virus...

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