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Can i have a bronze or gold coloured Mouse in Windows 7

Go to solution Solved by Tzcon,

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Hello, i took a snapshot of this game and saw the color of the mouse.

Please see this in the picture uploaded.

Its gold or bronze in color. Does any one know how i can achieve that when i m in Windows desktop.

I didn't find this option in Mouse settings. And i m left dumbfounded.

However i could see , if an exension is used it will only show up in the Browser .

How do i achieve that.

Happy Holidays.

Thsi one.jpg

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3 hours ago, Bagels said:

You can achieve system-wide cursor customization with software like Stardock CursorFX


Thank u for that software, but it still doesn't h' the option of bronze or gold cursor. I couldn't get to h' that after tweaking and Win10 is still a far reach for me. As i am on Win 7 x64bit.

Is there someone who could show me that. How could i achieve it.

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2 hours ago, metabeta said:

Thank u for that software, but it still doesn't h' the option of bronze or gold cursor. I couldn't get to h' that after tweaking and Win10 is still a far reach for me. As i am on Win 7 x64bit.

Is there someone who could show me that. How could i achieve it.

As @Bagels pointed out, you can either use customization software like Stardock or ico file,

Another way to do so, to use .theme file. It contains the necessary instruction that enable system to use custom cursors // mouse pointer icon on your system. All you have to do is set the instruction in .theme file

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I have old Win98 Plus cursors ready for such occasions (WinNT6.x). Here is myairbridge link. Unpack somewhere, then copy 3DBlue, 3DWhite, 3DBronze, 3DEmerald directories/folders into Windows/Cursors directory.

After that you just right-click on desktop and choose "Personalise" and "Change mouse pointers" - there you choose "enable pointer shadow" and "Browse" for each pointer to replace it with 3D-one.

Here is cursor list from win10, you just go through and choose provided files for each cursor - they are already numbered so they are in the exact same position as "Mouse properties" window.


Edited by Tzcon
spelling & better explanation
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1 hour ago, Tzcon said:

I have old Win98 Plus cursors ready for such occasions (WinNT6.x). Here is myairbridge link. Unpack somewhere, then copy 3DBlue, 3DWhite, 3DBronze, 3DEmerald directories/folders into Windows/Cursors directory.

After that you just right-click on desktop and choose "Personalise" and "Change mouse pointers" - there you choose "enable pointer shadow" and "Browse" for each pointer to replace it with 3D-one.

Here is cursor list from win10, you just go through and choose provided files for each cursor - they are already numbered so they are in the exact same position as "Mouse properties" window.


Hello i tried it and followed the line and it worked for me. Absolutely to the point.

Thank u friend, u must h' stored these files just in case like this. It worked beautifully. I was about to buy that software. Yeah u solved it. Happy New Year and Happy Holiday.

U must be a professional. Anyways i am happy. @xkryptonx Thank u for ur suggestion as well.

:win::win::win:@Tzcon :win::win::win:

Edited by metabeta
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@metabeta  I have Stardock CursorFx. And it does more then change your mouse icon. You have settings to choose your icon color. Among other things.






$5.00. It's a steal for that price ^_^

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Moved from Technology Talk. Windows questions fit better here.

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