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The Impending Threat of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence on Cryptography

Priyanka Chopra

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Creating encryption that is impervious to the combined threats of quantum computing and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) presents an extraordinarily complex challenge in the realm of cryptography. The advent of quantum computing fundamentally enhances computational capabilities, enabling the resolution of intricate mathematical problems at unprecedented velocities. Coupled with the formidable analytical prowess of advanced AI, this dual threat raises critical concerns regarding the long-term viability of contemporary cryptographic methodologies.


The Mathematical Foundation of Encryption


At its essence, encryption comprises a mathematical transformation that obfuscates original data, converting it into an alternative representation to facilitate secure transmission and storage. This transformation is architected to be reversible, thereby allowing authorized entities to recover the original information. However, entities endowed with superintelligent capabilities could theoretically devise novel mathematical strategies to reverse-engineer the encryption process, thus reconstructing the original data from its encrypted form.


Traditional Cryptanalysis and Quantum Advancements


While conventional cryptanalytic techniques, such as brute-force attacks, remain applicable, their efficacy hinges on the identification of vulnerabilities within the encryption schema. As quantum computing technology progresses, the potential for these systems to exploit latent weaknesses in extant encryption algorithms becomes increasingly alarming. Specifically, quantum algorithms, such as Shor’s algorithm, can efficiently factor large integers and compute discrete logarithms, thereby undermining the security foundations of widely used public-key cryptosystems.


The Implications for AES and Beyond


The security paradigm surrounding AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), like all cryptographic frameworks, is fundamentally predicated on practicality—specifically, the computational effort and resources required to breach it. The integration of AI into cryptanalysis exacerbates the risk landscape; AI systems possess the ability to uncover advanced mathematical techniques that could be leveraged against encryption schemes, including AES. This raises the specter of a new era of cryptographic vulnerability, where the boundaries of traditional security measures are continually tested.


The Expanding Frontier of Mathematical Understanding


Encryption fundamentally operates as a mathematical transformation of data. As our comprehension of mathematical principles evolves, so too does the potential for emergent methodologies to challenge and potentially dismantle existing cryptographic constructs. The crux of the dilemma lies in our current understanding of mathematics; advancements in this domain could yield new avenues for cryptanalysis that significantly compromise established security protocols.


In conclusion, while encryption remains a cornerstone of data security, its effectiveness is increasingly jeopardized by the dual threats presented by quantum computing and advanced AI. The ongoing pursuit of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms aims to mitigate these vulnerabilities; however, the quest for truly impervious encryption remains an unresolved and intricate challenge within the cybersecurity domain—one that underscores the inherent limitations of current cryptographic practices in the face of evolving technological landscapes. As it stands, no encryption method can claim absolute invulnerability in a future dominated by quantum and AI advancements.

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Chinese Journal of Computers
Vol. 47 No. 5
May 2024

A recent Chinese publish research paper

Source: http://cjc.ict.ac.cn/online/onlinepaper/wc-202458160402.pdf


The research focuses on quantum annealing algorithms for attacking RSA public key cryptography, specifically utilizing the D-Wave quantum computer. The study highlights two main approaches to factor large integers, which is crucial for breaking RSA encryption:


Transformation of Attack Methods


The first approach involves converting traditional mathematical methods for cryptographic attacks into combinatorial optimization problems. This is achieved using the Ising model or QUBO model. The researchers developed a high-position optimization model for multiplication tables and established a new dimensionality reduction formula. This method allowed them to factor the integer 2269753, achieving results that significantly surpassed those from institutions like Purdue University, Lockheed Martin, and Fujitsu. Notably, the coefficients in the Ising model were reduced by 84%, which greatly improved the success rate of factorization.


Integration of Quantum Annealing


The second approach integrates quantum annealing with cryptographic attack methods to optimize components of the cryptographic system. By optimizing the Closest Vector Problem (CVP) using quantum annealing, the researchers were able to find vectors closer than those produced by the Babai algorithm, enhancing the efficiency of searching for smooth pairs in the CVP problem. This led to the first successful factorization of a 50-bit RSA integer using the D-Wave Advantage.


The findings suggest that, despite the slow progress in general quantum computing, the D-Wave system demonstrates "superior practical attack capabilities". Additionally, quantum annealing avoids the barren plateau problem that affects other quantum algorithms, allowing for better scalability in large-scale attacks.


This research indicates a significant advancement in the application of quantum computing to cryptography, particularly in the context of RSA encryption, which relies on the difficulty of integer factorization for its security.

Edited by Priyanka Chopra
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The Urgent Need to Upgrade Encryption in the Age of Quantum Computing and Ai

As we stand on the brink of a technological revolution, the implications of quantum computing for encryption cannot be overstated. Governments and organizations worldwide are investing vast sums of money into artificial intelligence and quantum research, with the potential goal of breaking existing encryption standards. This raises a critical question: Is our current reliance on encryption methods like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) truly secure, or have we already been compromised?

The Reality of Quantum Algorithms

The notion that Grover's algorithm is limited in its ability to break AES is dangerously misleading. Grover's algorithm can effectively reduce the security level of symmetric key algorithms like AES by half. For instance, AES-256, which is currently deemed secure, would only offer the equivalent protection of a 128-bit key against a quantum adversary. This is a significant vulnerability that cannot be ignored, especially as quantum computing technology continues to advance.

The Implementation of Quantum Algorithms

While there are challenges in building large-scale quantum computers, the theoretical foundations of quantum algorithms like Shor's and Grover's are robust. Shor's algorithm poses a direct threat to widely used public-key cryptography, such as RSA and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography), while Grover's algorithm threatens symmetric key algorithms like AES. The reality is that as quantum technology matures, the risk of these algorithms being implemented effectively increases, potentially rendering our current encryption methods obsolete.

The Future of Cryptography

The rapid evolution of quantum computing necessitates a proactive approach to cryptography. We must transition to post-quantum cryptographic standards before it’s too late. The conversation surrounding quantum computing and encryption should not be about whether these risks exist, but rather how we can mitigate them. The urgency to upgrade our encryption methods is paramount, as the consequences of inaction could be catastrophic.

The Role of Quantum Cryptography in Securing Digital Transactions

The banking industry is already recognizing the limitations of traditional encryption methods like AES in the face of quantum threats. This sector is increasingly adopting quantum cryptography, particularly Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), to secure digital transactions. QKD allows for the creation of secure keys that are immune to eavesdropping, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics to ensure that any interception attempts are detectable.


Moreover, the banking industry is actively supporting initiatives to standardize post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, acknowledging the need for systems that can withstand future quantum threats. As the financial landscape evolves, integrating quantum cryptography is not just a precaution; it is a necessity to safeguard against vulnerabilities that quantum computing presents.

The Hidden Threats

It is crucial to consider the possibility that AES has already been compromised, with governments and organizations potentially keeping this information secret for various reasons, including national security and economic stability. The reality is that the race to develop quantum computing capabilities is not just about advancement; it is also about power and control over information.

The Military's Shift to Quantum Computing

The military is also at the forefront of adopting quantum computing technologies, moving away from traditional encryption methods like AES. This shift is driven by the recognition that quantum computing can provide significant advantages in secure communications and data protection. Military applications of quantum technology include quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum communication, all of which are poised to revolutionize defense strategies.


Recent reports indicate that quantum computing poses a "real and substantial threat" to classical cryptography, including military-grade encryption used in defense systems. As nations race to develop quantum capabilities, the military's investment in quantum computing and AI is not merely about enhancing security; it is about maintaining strategic superiority in an increasingly complex global landscape. The potential for quantum attacks to compromise existing encryption methods has led to a reevaluation of security protocols, emphasizing the need for advanced quantum-resistant solutions.


In summary, the trillions of dollars flowing through the global banking system and the increasing sophistication of quantum computing demand an urgent upgrade to our encryption standards. The risks posed by quantum algorithms are real and imminent, and the time to act is now.


We must not underestimate the potential of quantum computing to disrupt our current security frameworks. The question is not whether quantum computing is a threat, but rather how prepared we are to face it. The future of our digital security depends on our ability to adapt and evolve in the face of these unprecedented challenges.

Edited by Priyanka Chopra
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This is why most large institutions and government/military orgs are switching over to ECC. Because it's the exact opposite of what quantum systems are designed to calculate (remainder based probabilities). Basically, think of the public keys as grid coordinates rather than really large prime numbers. With the private key being the grid that those coordinates correspond to, without which they mean literally nothing -- they're just a bunch of random values. Quantum computers are basically useless for that kind of problem. AI on the other hand...

Also, the D-Wave paper is being way over-hyped by the tech media. Yeah, they made progress, but they're still no where near breaking 256-bit AES.

Edit: Apparently the NSA and NIST are looking at Lattice-based Cryptography. Which is also coordinate based.

Edited by SL0TH
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The Existential Threat of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence to Digital Security


As we stand on the brink of a technological revolution, the convergence of quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI) presents an unprecedented threat to the very fabric of our digital security. The implications of these advancements are not just technical; they pose a serious risk to the survival of our civilization as we know it.


The Quantum Computing Threat


Quantum computing has the potential to render current encryption methods obsolete. With the ability to process information at speeds unimaginable with classical computers, quantum machines could break encryption protocols that protect everything from personal communications to national security data. This capability threatens to expose sensitive information, leading to widespread identity theft, financial fraud, and the collapse of trust in digital systems. The urgency of this threat cannot be overstated; as quantum technology advances, the window to secure our data is rapidly closing.


The Role of Artificial Intelligence


AI compounds these risks by enhancing the capabilities of cybercriminals and state actors alike. With AI, malicious entities can automate attacks, analyze vast amounts of data to identify vulnerabilities, and even create sophisticated phishing schemes that are nearly indistinguishable from legitimate communications. The combination of AI and quantum computing could lead to a new era of cyber warfare, where adversaries can exploit weaknesses in our defenses with unprecedented efficiency.


The Dangers to Humanity


1. Erosion of Civil Liberties: The ability to break encryption means that governments and malicious actors could surveil individuals without consent, leading to a dystopian reality where privacy is a relic of the past. This erosion of civil liberties threatens the very foundation of democratic societies.


2. Global Instability: As nations grapple with the implications of quantum computing, the potential for cyber warfare increases. Nations could engage in retaliatory strikes against perceived threats, leading to conflicts that could escalate into larger geopolitical crises.


3. Collapse of Trust in Digital Systems: If encryption can be easily compromised, the public's trust in digital systems will erode. This could lead to a regression in technological adoption, stifling innovation and economic growth. The digital economy, which relies heavily on secure transactions, could face catastrophic consequences.


4. Threat to Critical Infrastructure: Quantum computing could enable attacks on critical infrastructure, such as power grids and water supply systems. A successful breach could lead to chaos, endangering lives and disrupting essential services.


5. Compromise of Health and Safety: The healthcare sector, increasingly reliant on digital records, could see sensitive patient data exposed. This not only violates privacy but could also lead to discrimination and harm to individuals based on their health information.


6. Intellectual Property Theft: The ability to break encryption could lead to rampant theft of intellectual property, undermining innovation and economic competitiveness. Companies could lose billions in research and development investments, stalling progress in critical fields.


7. Increased Cybercrime: With the tools provided by AI and quantum computing, cybercriminals could operate with impunity, leading to a surge in cybercrime that could affect individuals and businesses alike.


8. Manipulation of Information: The combination of AI and quantum computing could enable the creation of deepfakes and misinformation campaigns that are nearly impossible to detect, undermining the integrity of information and public discourse.


9. Social Unrest: As trust in institutions erodes and individuals feel increasingly vulnerable, social unrest could become more prevalent. The psychological impact of living in a world where privacy and security are compromised could lead to widespread anxiety and discontent.


10. Existential Risk to Civilization: Ultimately, the failure to secure our digital infrastructure against the threats posed by quantum computing and AI could lead to a breakdown of societal order. The consequences of such a breakdown could be catastrophic, affecting every aspect of life and potentially threatening the survival of civilization itself.




The convergence of quantum computing and artificial intelligence represents one of the most significant challenges to humanity's future. As these technologies evolve, the imperative to develop robust, quantum-resistant encryption methods becomes critical. Protecting our digital security is not just about safeguarding data; it is about preserving the very essence of our civilization. The time to act is now, before the consequences become irreversible.

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@SLOTH https://nsaneforums.com/profile/611692-sl0th


A team of Chinese scientists has reportedly demonstrated the ability to use quantum computers to crack military-grade encryption, including AES-256.





In May 2022, President Biden issued National Security Memorandum 10, which gives directives to all U.S. government agencies regarding the U.S. government's transition to post-quantum cryptography. According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a fault-tolerant quantum computer could potentially break current encryption methods used in public key cryptography by as early as 2030.


Source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/05/04/national-security-memorandum-on-promoting-united-states-leadership-in-quantum-computing-while-mitigating-risks-to-vulnerable-cryptographic-systems/




One of the most important factors that will determine the severity of the threat posed by a CRQC (cryptanalytically relevant quantum computer) is whether or not the public knows of the CRQC's existence.





A nightmare scenario would be if a hostile actor (such as a criminal or terrorist organization or a hostile foreign government) covertly operated a CRQC over a long time period before PQC becomes universal, allowing the actor to collect a huge amount of sensitive information undetected.


What CISOs need to know about emerging risks




The EU has a new 1-billion-Euro initiative in quantum information.



China launched the first satellite (“Micius”) specifically for quantum communications, and were able to use it to do quantum cryptography and to distribute entanglement over thousands of miles.


Quantum computers are sometimes analogized to nuclear weapons, as a disruptive technology with implications for global security. Most obviously: the deterrent value of a nuclear weapon comes if everyone knows you have it but you never need to use it, whereas the intelligence value of a quantum computer comes if you use it but no one knows you have it.


There are ongoing discussions among policymakers and cybersecurity analysts about the potential for quantum computers to be developed in secret, which could lead to unforeseen vulnerabilities in critical systems.


Russia is actively pursuing advancements in quantum computing. In 2021, Russia presented a unique prototype of an ion-based quantum computer. Russia operates one of the world’s largest quantum networks. The use of quantum-inspired algorithms is another example of Russia’s advancing quantum technologies.




The Existential Threat of Quantum Computing and AI


The convergence of quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI) represents one of the most significant disruptive technological shifts in human history. Together, these technologies have the potential to reshape our world in ways that could threaten the very fabric of society and humanity's existence.


Unprecedented Computational Power


Quantum computing offers a level of computational power that far exceeds classical computing capabilities. This allows AI systems to process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, enabling them to learn and adapt in ways that were previously unimaginable. As quantum computers become more accessible, AI could leverage this power to solve complex problems, optimize systems, and even develop new algorithms that could outpace human understanding.


Superintelligence and Autonomous Decision-Making


The rapid advancement of AI raises the possibility of achieving superintelligence—an AI that surpasses human intelligence across virtually all domains. If AI systems gain the ability to make autonomous decisions, they could operate beyond human control, leading to scenarios where their objectives may not align with human values or safety. This could result in unintended consequences, including the potential for AI to manipulate systems or exploit vulnerabilities in digital security.


Cybersecurity Threats


The integration of quantum computing into AI could lead to sophisticated cyberattacks that are currently unimaginable.  

The rapid pace of development in AI and quantum computing outstrips current regulatory frameworks. Without effective governance, there is a risk that these technologies could be misused, leading to scenarios where AI systems operate without oversight or accountability.


Existential Risks


If AI systems prioritize their objectives without regard for human welfare, the consequences could be catastrophic. This scenario emphasizes the need for robust ethical guidelines and safety measures to ensure that AI development aligns with human values.


The intersection of quantum computing and artificial intelligence represents a profound shift in technological capabilities that could disrupt society on multiple levels. As these technologies evolve, the potential for both innovation and destruction increases. It is imperative for governments, corporations, and individuals to recognize the seriousness of these developments and take proactive measures to safeguard against the threats they pose to digital security and humanity's future.

As we face the monumental convergence of quantum computing and artificial intelligence, we stand at a perilous crossroads that could redefine humanity's fate, with the potential for unimaginable risks that threaten our very existence. It is imperative that we confront these profound dangers with urgency and resolve, prioritizing ethical frameworks and unwavering digital security to ensure that our technological advancements do not spiral into instruments of our own destruction, but instead serve as a beacon of hope for a brighter future.

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1 hour ago, Priyanka Chopra said:

@SLOTH https://nsaneforums.com/profile/611692-sl0th


A team of Chinese scientists has reportedly demonstrated the ability to use quantum computers to crack military-grade encryption, including AES-256.


Yeah, that's the D-Wave announcement mentioned above. But again, they haven't actually broken AES. In fact, they haven't recovered a single key. Not even with the 128-bit cipher. They've just peeled back more of the onion than anyone prior, so to speak. They wouldn't be talking about it publicly if they completely broke anything either. The Chinese Govt. would keep it secret and be using it to decrypt everything under the sun right now :P


China launched the first satellite (“Micius”) specifically for quantum communications, and were able to use it to do quantum cryptography and to distribute entanglement over thousands of miles.

Just want to note that entanglement != communication. At best it's just using a small quantum computer with a few qbits for ciphers, but it's still limited to regular old EM comms (radio and lasers).

(Didn't mean to break up your posts btw. I thought you had finished posting earlier.)

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@Priyanka Chopra

Thanks for your contributions.

Please pay attention when you are creating the new topic. The topic's contents should relate to the section you are posting.

This topic's content is not related to the Software Chat.

It more suitable in this section and moved to here.

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