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[Expired] [PC] Free Games (Sapphire City Part 2 & Sapphire City Part 3)


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Sapphire City Part 2




After a narrow escape you find yourself in an unexplored part of the city with fresh opportunities and new enemies.  To help out your friend in need you must once again take to the streets but proceed with caution, your actions are being closely monitored and you are beginning to venture down paths where there is no hope of return. 

Face off against corrupt officials, law enforcers and merciless gangs as you delve back into the shadows. 

You are encroaching into the domain where those that pull the strings operate, and they are unforgiving to intruders. As new revelations come to light, it becomes increasingly clear that you are part of a larger game, one of great importance not just to those close to you but to humanity itself.  

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Sapphire City Part 3




Captured, alone, and at the mercy of the Guilds, you are again lost. Yet hope remains... for reasons that still allude you, a second chance has been approved, but at a terrible price. 

Will you continue to do the bidding of those in the shadows? 

In a yet unseen district of this great city, a new character enters the fray, she has risked much to help the cause. Your actions will decide her fate, so choose your path carefully. 

As you go head to head with a titan of industry, the collateral damage begins to break the city apart. New and dangerous factions emerge seeking to capitalize on the chaos. The night is nearing its close, dawn is coming, but for now the city is still shrouded in darkness.

Giveaway link –>



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