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Which fingers do you use to type?


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Not really a 'poll poll', but still a poll, I guess.

So, which fingers do you use to type?

I use these (or rather: I don't use the ones with a cross on it):


Images I used (so you can recreate my graphical representation ;)):



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Except my right thumb, I use all the fingers and the left thumb but both the thumbs are pretty much for spacebar only.

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If I am in the mood I use all my fingers and thumbs ... but if I am feeling lazy I only use my index fingers :tooth:

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Me too, I use all my hands fingers, but when I am on bed, I prefer to use feet fingers instead. Can you do it ? Not difficult, just a question of practice and... commodity.

PS:- I can also read a book at the same time... and I am not a genius !

Just Kidding...


The true is, I use my electric Type-Writer connected to the computer and with a microphone. I just have to pronounce the letters and it writes without being touched . This can be done at anytime even when I am taking a bath or... some other activity.

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I use all my fingers except for my left thumb. I'm a true touch typist. The last time I tested myself, I was typing around 65 words per minute.

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i used all my fingers except the left hand thumb but i like to use more frequently my middle fingers AKA "F" fingers :rasta: :stfu:

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all fingers :lol:

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All my fingers except the right hand thumb LOL

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I use all of my fingers. It's much easier and faster that way ^_^

I dare to challenge that :D

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I think I need to take a tying course.. I am mostly about like the first image but I have caught myself looking the screen and typing with all fingers.. but it is weird.. at times I just run off at the keyboard.. but not consistently..

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Just found out I lied, I do use my left ring finger...

When pressing Shift or Caps Lock.

My left hand being more 'developed' than my right hand (at typing) could be explained by me playing shooters :P Also the keys around your left hand are used more often, I believe.

Something else: I never use the numpad, the F keys and the left Shift, Alt, Ctrl and Windows keys.

'The philosophy of keyboards and typing'

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I use all of my fingers. It's much easier and faster that way ^_^

the same goes for me

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My keyboard types for me. :rolleyes:

i want that keyboard :P

i mainly use my index fingers for all the typing i do and occasionally use the odd other finger here and there where comfortable

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Well.. I have Voice Recognition trained very well.. this is DEFINITELY something that seems better from when I tried it in Vista..Been awhile since I used it.. But when I did, I was doing everything with my mouth.. LOL

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My keyboard types for me. :rolleyes:

i want that keyboard :P

i mainly use my index fingers for all the typing i do and occasionally use the odd other finger here and there where comfortable

Lite is a bot.. he's one with the keyboard. They share everything.

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  • 4 months later...

If I'm on my iPod touch I'll use my left pointer finger lol but otherwise I'll just type like normal

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i'm using keyboard virtual sensor i just think it and the keyboard will write it. But if I have the energy to type, i'm using only 2 fingers.......... :rolleyes:

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i use all 8 fingers and both thumbs. learn to type back in 7th grade typing class. one of the only class that i actually use in really life afterwards. that was with an actually typerwriter. not a freaken keyboard. back in around 83

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i use the power of the mind to type...in fact i am hacking nsane and use the binary code to create letters so you could see them...

aren`t you :fear: ???

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