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How to use PayPal without a PayPal account?


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How to use PayPal without a PayPal Account


PayPal is an online payment system that allows you to send and receive money around the world.

Even the PayPal offer more than 200+ countries, are eligible to register and open an account to use PayPal,

but some countries / regions are not able to register to use PayPal.


But there is a trick to use the PayPal without a PayPal account.


For example, 

Donating to NSANE FORUMS:


Nsane members are from all over the world and some members are want to donate but can't get the PayPal account.

As the PayPal services aren't available in all over the countries,

the following tutorial will guide you who want to donate to Nsane Forums without a PayPal account.


I myself, that PayPal services aren't available in my country.

And I donated using this method. 


What you need-


Mandatory Requirements

1. Your own internationally recognized Debit or Credit Card. (Visa, Master, ....etc.) Check with your local banks.

2. Internet connection.



Let's start


Go to Nsane Donation Page , click on Donate.

1. Choose your desire donation amount.

(I'll choose $10 in this tutorial, preferably you may choose $200.):lol:

2. Click on "Continue".






3. If you want "Anonymous donation" click on slider to move the position to right.

4. If you want "Anonymous amount" click on slider to move the position to right.

I suggest you to leave them alone.

5. And click "Pay Now".






6. Since you don't have the PayPal account, click on "Donate with Debit or Credit Card" in this page.






At this page, you can't find your country from the drop down menu as you aren't available to open PayPal account.

7. So, just use default country "United States".

8. Fill in your card number. PayPal system will detect what kind of your card is.

9. Fill in expiry date of your card as printed on your card. (MM/YY)

10. Fill in 3 digits security code as printed on your card. (Usually printed on the back side of the card.)

11. Fill in your First Name as printed on your card.

12. Fill in your Last Name as printed on your card.


Since you choose the U.S., you need to stay virtually at U.S. to get the address.

(You must fill up the address to go to next page.)

Staying at the Hotel is the easiest way to get the address and phone number.

13. Fill in the Hotel's address.

14. Fill in the Hotel's phone number.

15. Fill in the Valid email as PayPal will send the receipt for your donation to that email.

16. And click "Donate Now".






After click on "Donate Now", you will reach to below page.

17. Click on "Change".






You are brought to this "Currency Conversion" page.

18. Click on "Convert with your debit or credit card" option.

19. And click on "Next".






20. This final page, you are asked to enter security code that printed on the back side of your card.

21. And finally click on "Donate Now".






You will get the donation receipt from PayPal. :)






Thank you for your donation to NSANE.



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