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Where to found Fra Bau Internet Security?


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10 hours ago, Vrca1975 said:

Where to found fra bau internet securty?i can non found internet web link.

If it exists, I'm not aware about it. Please specify extra info, eg your needs, the reason why you prefer that solution, where and how you have found info about it, and anything other you think is useful to identify it ✌️


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1 hour ago, Vrca1975 said:

fra bau internet securty stop hackers to go to computer.Give me a link for fra bau internet securty?


No extra info, no answer from me. It seems your post is a copy and paste, always remember to use the "Remove Format" function 


and if you have copied it from "somewhere", what's this "somewhere"? (=extra info)


Are you attacked by hackers or it's just a precaution you want take? mainly, hackers can access your structure if eg:

. you have something someone may desire (eg a big free space on a server or secret/important data)

. ISP you use has (or is set to have) a very limited protection/security

. navigation device (eg a router) you use has (or is set to have) a very limited protection/security

. hardware firewall you use has (or is set to have) a very limited protection/security 

. OS (eg Windows) you use has (or is set to have) a very limited protection/security

. encryptions, passwords and other similar security solutions you use have (or are set to have) a very limited protection/security

. proxyfiers, VPNs and similar solutions you use have (or are set to have) a very limited protection/security

. many other aspects


Take in mind, if you are sure someone accesses your System, it's usually someone near you, who well knows you and your habits

There are many security levels and many different solutions, no one is the best, selection depends on structures, vulnerabilities, and specific needs. I don't know if you have sufficient skills to select a solution and correctly set it, so I only can suggest you to contact a consulent, to analize the global situation and try to obtain a balanced solution. I haven't the answer to your question, I only can suggest you to avoid undefined solutions and work on a single aspect. If it would really be an universal solution, you would know where finding it and it would not be so hidden. It's probably an Internet Security tool very similar to the other ones. Check the steps I've mentioned above and you will solve your needs. Good luck


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Sorry.I do not know anything else.I want to try this program because i heard it stop hackers from computer.Give me a link of that program.

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21 hours ago, Vrca1975 said:

Sorry.I do not know anything else.I want to try this program because i heard it stop hackers from computer.Give me a link of that program.


Translation of your message from english language to serbian language (online Google translate)

Жао ми је. Не знам ништа друго. Желим да испробам овај програм јер сам чуо да зауставља хакере са рачунара. Дајте ми линк тог програма.
Žao mi je. Ne znam ništa drugo. Želim da isprobam ovaj program jer sam čuo da zaustavlja hakere sa računara. Dajte mi link tog programa.


I know the language barrier can create misunderstandings, so I suggest you to be more soft (and use a translator), or no one will answer to your imperative requests. Eg


"Sorry. I do not know anything about it. I want try the mentioned program because i heard it stops hackers from accessing the PC. Can someone giving me a link to the official website? Thanks in advance"


Translation of the message from english language to serbian language (online Google translate)

Извињавам се. Не знам ништа о томе. Желим да испробам поменути програм јер сам чуо да спречава хакере да приступе рачунару. Може ли неко да ми да линк до званичног сајта? Хвала унапред
Izvinjavam se. Ne znam ništa o tome. Želim da isprobam pomenuti program jer sam čuo da sprečava hakere da pristupe računaru. Može li neko da mi da link do zvaničnog sajta? Hvala unapred


I'm not here to teach you the politeness, so, I will not waste other time writing, I will follow the rules, banning you, if you continue acting so superficially


Where have you heard about that program, sources? I hope not in a pub... what's the reason you give a so big credit to a flying voice instead of trying to learn? why you have felt the need to join this forum to ask for that application? it sounds me a fake action, or very superficially managed. Newly good luck

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On 11/10/2023 at 12:39 AM, Vrca1975 said:

Where to found fra bau internet securty?i can non found internet web link.

You can only search, want and use things that actually exist.
In this sense, this wish of yours cannot be satisfied, because you have not understood the matter correctly, i.e. you do not know exactly what you are looking for. And also half of your question is in Norwegian and half in English.
As long as you would not at least tell us where to find this thing in the original, it would be impossible to recommend anything.

Try to say what you need to do or what the real problem is. Then it is also possible to recommend something or give advice.

Edited by Kalju
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