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[Expired] [Android] SkanApp - AR PDF book scanner


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Place your smartphone in the Skanstick, available on Amazon and www.go2get.com, and enjoy the benefits of scanning naturally, in place.


Having both hands free, enhanced by Augmented Reality buttons, lets you hold and scan stapled documents, folded receipts, books and magazines and even add voice remarks without touching the phone.
With the app's incredible speed of 400 pages in 10 minutes¹, you can declutter your office by scanning all those documents in big three-ring binders and piles of folded receipts quickly and easily.
OCR (100+ languages) is done on the phone, Internet is not required.


With a single click of the button the files can be saved up to five destinations regardless of Internet or Wi-Fi connectivity at the time. As soon as Internet or a particular Wi-Fi network is detected (work, home, etc..) the corresponding files will be transferred to appropriate computers/folders or databases (Smart Personal Cloud / CloudOTG).
As saving the file into different destinations is done by a background process, you can continue scanning without waiting until saving is complete.
Or, you can even close SkanApp as soon as you press the Send/Save button to conserve the battery.


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