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Magnet Links sharing


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How to share magnet links here? Can someone explain me? As you see, they ban everybody.


Hello * * * * * (dear or whatever),

One or more of your Pastes have been removed due to abuse reports:

https://pastebin.com/* * * * *
Kind regards,

The Pastebin Team

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Easy, just post the hash code without the magnet preamble. The magnet can easily be rebuilt with a simple batch file plus the nircmd util. For example, like this:


@echo off
for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %%i in (`powershell get-clipboard`) do ( nircmd clipboard set "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:%%i" )



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7 hours ago, BTJB said:

How to share magnet links here? Can someone explain me? As you see, they ban everybody.

Correct me if I am wrong, however , until we find an acceptable and more  convenient way. 


What is wrong with pasting the link into a text file then compressing it with your favorite compression software and hosting it on one of


the approved third party file share hosting site ?

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9 hours ago, wolfie said:

Easy, just post the hash code without the magnet preamble. The magnet can easily be rebuilt with a simple batch file plus the nircmd util. For example, like this:


@echo off
for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %%i in (`powershell get-clipboard`) do ( nircmd clipboard set "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:%%i" )




I can do this same more easy by this code:

echo|set /p=mycontenthere|clip


1. I have to explain every time to the user what should he do with the batch and the clipboard!
2. It doesn't launch the BitTorrent. Instead I just can upload the torrent file? Right?


2 hours ago, flash13 said:

Correct me if I am wrong, however , until we find an acceptable and more  convenient way. 


What is wrong with pasting the link into a text file then compressing it with your favorite compression software and hosting it on one of


the approved third party file share hosting site ?


Based on this from the owner of Paste Bin: Text Content = Violation no matter of puzzle, and it seems the same with the content in archive, so to be equivalent to this method I believe I can make HTML shortcut content wich have hyperlink magnetlink or just have to upload torrent file, right? What is more useful?

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9 hours ago, wolfie said:

Err ... you clearly failed to understand what my snippet does. I give up.


Do you recommend me to share part of URL magnet (the hash) direct to NSANE? And in parallel to share something else like archive with nircmd and the batch file inside? So user must have the tool on his PC and must copy once and then run the tool to complete the url copy?

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It's equivalent to sharecodes - nsane members know that they need to either manually join the two parts of a sharecode to produce a link, or they can use a tool such as SharecodeFixer provided on this forum.


In the same way, if someone posts a magnet hash code, users can either manually prefix "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:", or they can run a simple batch file such as the one I provided above to do that automatically.


So, just as there is no requirement to provide "SharecodeFixer" with every post, there is no need to provide a magnet fixer whenever someone posts a magnet hash code.


And by the way, it's also easy for users to add a line to my little script to launch whichever torrent client they want to paste the magnetic link to.

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@wolfie I don't understand what the problem is - a magnetic link is just a hash, or string of letters and numbers, and it has nothing to do with a regular silver link or website link. 
Is it really not allowed to post normal hash anymore?
Everything else, what there sometimes have been added is not needed at all, only this hash is needed.

And if you really can't post plain text anymore, then just use Base64 encoding or AES 128/256 encryption, then no one will determine what the text is actually there.

For example, open it and say what's here.

Pasword: $HSoIilEbQuS!3XpywJc9i*5S1*Zf*uk1J3t)qgHjUWbUJwZp$9EgKGipmhbpU2B


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If you read the posts above carefully, the problem is not here at the nsane forum, but at Pastebin.com. They're monitoring posts for magnetic links and it's NOT the hash code that their software spots, just the string "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:".


So, the solution I am suggesting is that instead of posting the entire magnetic link at Pastebin.com, you only post the hash code and leave it to the user to create the full link. Some torrent clients can work with just the hash code, but most expect the whole link - hence my little script.

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well, then you have to use something else instead, there are hundreds simple text posting sites, if not thousands, of them. And why not add one own plain text storage site. It's really easy and I think there are still some people who are capable of it.
However, I personally do not understand why it is needed at all. What is the reason that this is needed?

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  • 11 months later...

All modern torrent clients (programs) are recognizing clean 'hash codes' as 'magnet links'.

So, you don't have to do anything to 'modify' hash code.

Just copy hash, enter it in client as you would do with 'complete' magnet link, and it is done.

You only must have enabled 'DHT' in torrent client, and is also good to enable 'PeX' (Peer Exchange).

That "magnet:?" is only information about 'protocol type' for browser to know that following info should be sent to torrent client.



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