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[Expired] eBook :" Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning Into a Career You'll Love "


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"Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning Into a Career You'll Love ($12.00 Value) FREE for a Limited Time"


An expert guide for professionals seeking to understand how to navigate the world of work.


Kimberly Brown, author of Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning into a Career You'll Love, leaves no stone unturned with this thorough, expert guide for professionals seeking to understand how to navigate the world of work, from beginning to end, starting with uncovering personal and professional values in an effort to align their expertise and skills to roles and companies that will finally change the trajectory of their career and set them up to be leaders in the workforce.


As a former career development adviser in some of the nation's top universities and a diversity + inclusion professional in a Fortune 100 company, Brown has recognized that people work for the sake of working without understanding how to leverage their unique gifts and position themselves for success. As a result, Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning into a Career You'll Love shares transformational lessons to ensure success and puts the ball back in your court.


In Brown's highly acclaimed book, a specific, effective framework is unveiled to ensure each reader channels and utilizes their highest potential as they regain control and steer professional opportunities in their favor, gaining key information as to:


Taking stock of their experiences to ensure strategic career moves


Discovering how to cultivate and maintain fruitful relationships that support career growth


Uncovering how to build a two-year career strategy to move you into future leadership positions


Gaining a deeper look into personal and professional branding to ensure alignment with leadership capabilities and career goals


Learning how to use their voice in the workplace to advocate for themselves


Offer Expires 5/25/2023


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