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Why does www.avast.eu take me to the Avira website?


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Having over 100 million users has its downside—it means that users searching for Avast are also a prime target of scammers as well as legitimate companies trying to piggy-back on our name recognition. Every day we receive complaints from people that have been scammed. Some have been scammed into paying to download a free copy of Avast. Others have been tricked into buying a product they thought was Avast but was not. This happens in many different ways but at the core is the greatest scourge of the internet—socially engineered scams and deceptions. Thieves and even legitimate companies are masters at taking advantage of people’s natural penchant to trust others. Some scams are quite blatant and most of us would consider them theft or cheating. Others are much less obvious and may even be considered zealous marketing and selling. One finds such deceptions in search results, on download sites, and even in internet domain names.

Continue Reading: Avast Blog

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The link (Avast blog that is) didn't work for me but I did try the domain in question (www.avast.eu) and it does redirect to Avira which is pretty lame if not despicable. :angry:

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:lol: Shame on Avira, I guess some people will do anything to make a buck.

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link fixed ... tnx

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Shame on you, Avira!

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