aum Posted October 11, 2022 Share Posted October 11, 2022 Wine is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, & BSD ( If you have been using Linux for some time now, chances are you’ve used Wine at some point. Maybe to run that one very important Windows program that doesn’t have a Linux version or maybe to play World of Warcraft or some other game. Fun fact, Valve’s Steam Deck uses a Wine-based solution to run games (called Proton). In the last year I’ve spent quite some time working on a debugger capable of debugging both the Wine layer and the Windows application running with it. It was very interesting to learn about the Wine internals – I’ve used Wine many times before, but never knew how it worked. If you ever wondered how it’s possible to take a Windows executable and just run it on Linux without any modifications – welcome to this article! Disclaimer This article greatly simplifies reality and I don’t claim to know all the details. However I hope the explanation here will give you a general understanding of how things like Wine work. Not an Emulator Before describing how Wine works, let’s explore how it doesn’t work. Wine is a recursive acronym and it stands for “Wine Is Not an Emulator”. Why isn’t it? There are lots of great emulators, both for older architecture and for modern consoles. Could Wine be implemented as an emulator? Yep, but there are good reasons not to do this. Let’s take a quick look at how emulators work in general. Imagine we have some simple hardware, with two instructions: push <value> – pushes given value to the stack setpxl – pops three values from the stack and draws a pixel with color arg1 at (arg2, arg3) (this should be enough to create some cool demoscenes, right?) > dump-instructions game.rom ... # draw red dot at (10,10) push 10 push 10 push 0xFF0000 setpxl # draw green dot at (15,15) push 15 push 15 push 0x00FF00 setpxl The game binary (or ROM cartridge) is a sequence of these instructions, which the hardware can load into the memory and then execute. The real hardware can execute them natively, but what if we want to play the game on our modern laptop? We’ll create a software emulator – a program that loads the ROM in memory and then executes its instructions. An interpreter or a virtual machine, if you will. The implementation of the emulator for our two-instructions console can be pretty simple: enum Opcode { Push(i32), SetPixel, }; let program: Vec<Opcode> = read_program("game.rom"); let mut window = create_new_window(160, 144); // Virtual screen of 160x144 pixels let mut stack = Vec::new(); // Stack for passing arguments for opcode in program { match opcode { Opcode::Push(value) => { stack.push(value); } Opcode::SetPixel => { let color = stack.pop(); let x = stack.pop(); let y = stack.pop(); window.set_pixel(x, y, color); } } } The real emulators are a lot more complicated, but the basic idea is the same: maintain some context (memory, registers, etc), handle input (e.g. keyboard/mouse) and output (e.g. drawing to some window), parse input data (ROM) and execute the instructions one by one, applying their side-effects. This could be one way to implement Wine, but there are two reasons against it. First, the emulators are “slow” – there’s a significant overhead on executing every single instruction programmatically. This may be acceptable for older hardware, but not so much for the state of the art (and video games have always been one of the most demanding types of applications). The second reason is that there’s no need! Linux/macOS are perfectly capable of running Windows binaries natively, they just need a little push… Let’s compile a simple program for both Linux and Windows and compare the results: int foo(int x) { return x * x; } int main(int argc) { int code = foo(argc); return code; } (left – Linux, right – Windows) The results are visibly different, but the instruction set is actually the same: push, pop, mov, add, sub, imul, ret. So if we had an “emulator” that can execute these instructions, theoretically it should be able to execute both. And turns out that we do have it – that’s our CPU. How Linux runs a binary Before running a Windows binary on Linux, let’s figure out how to run a normal Linux binary. ❯ cat #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello!\n"); return 0; } ❯ clang -o app ❯ ./app Hello! # works! Simple enough, let’s go a bit deeper. What happens when we do ./app? ❯ ldd app (0x00007ffddc586000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f743fcdc000) /lib64/ (0x00007f743fed3000) ❯ readelf -l app Elf file type is DYN (Position-Independent Executable file) Entry point 0x1050 There are 13 program headers, starting at offset 64 Program Headers: Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flags Align PHDR 0x0000000000000040 0x0000000000000040 0x0000000000000040 0x00000000000002d8 0x00000000000002d8 R 0x8 INTERP 0x0000000000000318 0x0000000000000318 0x0000000000000318 0x000000000000001c 0x000000000000001c R 0x1 [Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/] ... First of all, we see that the app is a dynamic executable. This means that it depends on some dynamic libraries and requires them to be present in runtime to be able to run. Another interesting thing here is the “requesting program interpreter” part. What’s an interpreter doing here? I thought C++ was a compiled language, unlike Python… In this context the interpreter is the “dynamic loader”. It’s a special program that bootstraps the execution of the original program: it resolves and loads its dependencies and then gives over the control. ❯ ./app Hello! # This works! ❯ /lib64/ ./app Hello! # This works too! # Homework exercise, run this and try to make sense of the output. ❯ LD_DEBUG=all /lib64/ ./app When running the executable, the Linux kernel detects that it’s dynamic and requires a loader. Then it executes the loader, which does all the work. We can verify that by running the program under the debugger, for example: ❯ lldb ./app (lldb) target create "./app" Current executable set to '/home/werat/src/cpp/app' (x86_64). (lldb) process launch --stop-at-entry Process 351228 stopped * thread #1, name = 'app', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x00007ffff7fcd050`_start`_start: 0x7ffff7fcd050 <+0>: movq %rsp, %rdi 0x7ffff7fcd053 <+3>: callq 0x7ffff7fcdd70 ; _dl_start at rtld.c:503:1`_dl_start_user: 0x7ffff7fcd058 <+0>: movq %rax, %r12 0x7ffff7fcd05b <+3>: movl 0x2ec57(%rip), %eax ; _dl_skip_args Process 351228 launched: '/home/werat/src/cpp/app' (x86_64) Here we can see that the first instruction executed is in, not the app binary. To summarize, the process of running a dynamically linked executable on Linux looks roughly like this: Kernel loads the image (≈ binary) and sees it’s a dynamic executable Kernel loads the dynamic loader ( and gives it control The dynamic loader resolves the dependencies and loads them The dynamic loader gives the control back to the original binary The original binary starts execution in _start() and eventually gets to main() At this point it’s pretty clear why simply running a Windows executable won’t work – it has different format and the kernel simply doesn’t know what to do with it: ❯ ./HalfLife4.exe -bash: HalfLife4.exe: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error However, if we could get past the steps 1-4 and somehow get to 5, it should work in theory, right? Since we’re talking about “execution”, what does it mean, from the OS perspective, to “run” the binary? Every executable has the .text section, which contains the serialized CPU instructions: ❯ objdump -drS app app: file format elf64-x86-64 ... Disassembly of section .text: 0000000000001050 <_start>: 1050: 31 ed xor %ebp,%ebp 1052: 49 89 d1 mov %rdx,%r9 1055: 5e pop %rsi 1056: 48 89 e2 mov %rsp,%rdx 1059: 48 83 e4 f0 and $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp 105d: 50 push %rax 105e: 54 push %rsp 105f: 4c 8d 05 6a 01 00 00 lea 0x16a(%rip),%r8 # 11d0 <__libc_csu_fini> 1066: 48 8d 0d 03 01 00 00 lea 0x103(%rip),%rcx # 1170 <__libc_csu_init> 106d: 48 8d 3d cc 00 00 00 lea 0xcc(%rip),%rdi # 1140 <main> 1074: ff 15 4e 2f 00 00 call *0x2f4e(%rip) # 3fc8 <__libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.2.5> 107a: f4 hlt 107b: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1) ... In order to “run” the executable the operating system loads the binary into memory (specifically the .text section), sets the current instruction pointer to an address where the code is located and that’s it, the executable is running. Can we do the same for Windows executables? Yes! The code inside the executables is “portable” between Windows and Linux (assuming the same CPU architecture). If we just take the code out of the Windows executable, load it in memory and point %rip to the right place – the processor will happily execute it! Hello, Wine! Essentially, wine is a “dynamic loader” for Windows executables. It’s a native Linux binary, hence it can just run normally, and it knows how to deal with EXE and DLLs. It’s kinda an equivalent of # running an ELF binary ❯ /lib64/ ./app # running a PE binary ❯ wine64 HalfLife4.exe wine loads the Windows executable into memory, parses it, figures out the dependencies, figures out where the executable code is (i.e. the .text section) and then finally jumps into that code. Well, in reality it jumps into something like ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart(), which is the “user-space” entry point in the Windows world. It will eventually get to mainCRTStartup() (the equivalent of _start) and then finally to the actual main(). At this point our Linux system is executing the code originally compiled for Windows and everything seems to work. Except… System calls System calls, or syscalls for short, is what makes Wine so complicated. Syscall is a call of a function that is implemented in the operating system (hence, system call), not in the application binary or any of its dynamic libraries. The set of syscalls provided by the OS is essentially the operating system API. Examples on Linux: read, write, open, brk, getpid Examples on Windows: NtReadFile, NtCreateProcess, NtCreateMutant 😱 System calls are not regular function calls in the code. Opening a file, for example, must be performed by the kernel itself, since it’s the one keeping track of the file descriptors. Therefore the application code needs a way to “interrupt” itself and give control to the kernel (this operation is typically called context switch). The set of functions exposed by the operating system and the way they should be called are different on every operating system. On Linux, for example, in order to call read() the binary would put the file descriptor into the register %rdi, the buffer pointer to %rsi and the number of bytes to read to %rdx. On Windows, however, there’s no read() function in the kernel! Neither the arguments would make any sense. Therefore the binary compiled for Windows will use the Windows-way of doing syscalls, which will not work on Linux as is. I won’t go deep into how exactly syscalls work, here’s a great article about the Linux implementation – Let’s compile another small program and compare the generated code on Linux and Windows: #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello!\n"); return 0; } (left – Linux, right – Windows) This time we’re calling a function from the standard library, which, in turn, eventually performs a system call. On the screenshot above the Linux version calls puts and the Windows one – printf. These functions are coming from the standard library ( on Linux, ucrtbase.dll on Windows), which the application uses to simplify the communication with the kernel. On Linux it’s fairly common these days to build statically linked binaries, which don’t depend on any dynamic libraries. In that case, the implementation of puts is embedded into the binary and no is involved in runtime. On Windows, at least until not so long ago, “only malware used direct system calls”[citation needed]. Normal applications always depend on kernel32.dll/kernelbase.dll/ntdll.dll, which hide the low level magic of communicating with the kernel. The application just calls a function and the libraries take care of the rest: (credit At this point you probably already have a feeling of what we’re going to do next 😏 Runtime translation of syscalls What if we could “intercept” a syscall? Like, whenever the application calls NtWriteFile(), we would get in between, call write() instead and return the result in a format the binary expects. That should work. The quick and dirty solution for the example above might look something like this: // HelloWorld.exe lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:`string' call printf ↓↓ // "Fake" ucrtbase.dll mov edi, rcx // Convert the arguments to Linux ABI call puts@PLT // Call the real Linux implementation ↓↓ // Real mov rdi, <stdout> // write to STDOUT mov rsi, edi // pointer to "Hello" mov rdx, 5 // how many chars to write syscall We can provide a custom version of ucrtbase.dll which would have a special implementation of printf. Instead of trying to call the Windows kernel, it would follow the Linux ABI and call the write function from In practice, however, the application can link against ucrtbase.dll statically and we can’t modify the code of the binary for a number of reasons – it’s messy and complicated, it messes with the DRM, etc. So instead we would modify the place that stands in between the binary and the kernel – ntdll.dll. This is the “gateway” into the kernel and Wine indeed provides its custom implementation. In the recent versions of Wine it consists of two parts: ntdll.dll (which is a PE library) and (which is an ELF library). The first one is a thin layer that just redirects the calls into the ELF counterpart. The ELF counterpart contains a special function called __wine_syscall_dispatcher, which performs a magic trick of converting the current stack from Windows to Linux and back. Therefore, when doing a syscall the call stack of the process running with Wine looks like this: The syscall dispatcher is a bridge between the Windows world and the Linux world. It takes care of the calling conventions – allocates some stack space, moves the registers around, etc. Once the execution is in the Linux library (, we’re free to use any regular Linux APIs (e.g. libc or syscall) and can actually read/write files, lock/unlock mutexes and so on. Is that it? It sounds almost too easy. And it would be. First of all, there are a LOT of Windows APIs. And they’re poorly documented and have known (and unknown haha) bugs, which must be preserved exactly as is. Most of the Wine source code is the implementation of various Windows DLLs. Second, there are different ways to perform syscalls. Technically nothing prevents the application to do a direct system call via the syscall instruction and ideally this should work too (remember, Windows games do all kinds of crazy things). Linux kernel has a special mechanism to handle this and of course it only adds complexity. Third, there’s this whole 32-bit vs 64-bit nonsense. There are a lot of old 32-bit games, which are never going to be re-released as 64-bit. Wine has support for both and again, this adds up to the overall complexity of the system. Fourth, I didn’t even mention wine-server – a separate process spawned by Wine, which maintains the kernel “state” (open file descriptors, mutexes, etc). Fifth, oh, did you want to run a game? Not just a hello world? Then you need to deal with DirectX, audio (hello PulseAudio, my old friend), input devices (gamepads, joysticks), etc. It’s a lot of work! Wine has been in development for many years and came a long way. Today you can run the latest games like Cyberpunk 2077 or Elden Ring without any issues. Damn, sometimes Wine has even better performance compared to Windows! What a time to be alive… I hope this article gave you a basic idea of how Wine works. As I warned in the disclaimer, I’ve simplified a bunch of things and I may be wrong about some details (hopefully not too much). If you see that I’m outright misleading people, please reach out and correct me! Discuss this article on or HackerNews or Reddit (r/Linux_Gaming, r/programming) Source Karlston and jon_ty 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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