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Keygens really need Administrative privileges?


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Just wanna ask something for the coders that frequent here, only for curiosity:

Is really necessary ADM privileges to a keygen work ok? or is just more easy to code? I'm asking because i not see a need to it, thinkin it's only use some algorithm (is this?) to generate a key not is? The "User" rights is not enough to it? user rights permit read/execute in Windows and Program files, so if a dll or anything like that is needed can be used without problems not is? why some keygens need it?

THX in advance

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They typically need to insert a key file in the program directory, or modify the exe file. For both, they need both admin privilages. Just reading the file is not enough; they need to write to it too.

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You are right about the needless admin privileges for a standard keygen to process a key and deliver in a message box a string (the serial).

Now, there are some keygens (for Nero) for example which have to hook the installer (serial fishing) and later inject the right keys (white list). So for these

special "keygens" it is mandatory to run them with admin privileges. 

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Man and all this time I though this was because they were ALL ABOUT the security...and enforcing Rights Management :lmao:

EDIT: Wanted to add here that anything does not work without it, is a sure sign that they need it.. and ALWAYS make sure you scan a system afterwards.. Along with these privileges can come some more dropped files.. that people like me will spend hours cleaning out of someone's system.. Registry... all of it..

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THX tonyblair and all for the replys.

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