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Is there any tool or software or excel trick to fix the partial duplicate in text


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Hi There!

I have a list of vendor names in a column and I will like to delete duplicates. I need a way for Excel to identify partial duplicates for example:
ABC Company
ABC Company Inc
ABC Company.
ABC Company Corp.

I need Excel to tell me that these are potentially the same vendor.

Since I only have one column and we are talking about one data set I cant use Fuzzy Lookup. Please let me know if you have a solution for this!


Edited by rraz123
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do they all start with ABC (or any one particular word) ??


I will not recommend deleting them straightaway but you can identify them as below and then decide which one to delete.


1. Select the full column which contains vendor names

2.  Home >> Styles >> Conditional Formatting >> Highlight cell rules >> Text that contains

3. Select The Header Row

4. Home >> Editing >> Sort and Filter >> Filter >> Filter with text that contains

5. You will have a filtered list

6. select rows to delete




Edited by kyber
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1 hour ago, rraz123 said:

50000 vendors


How may unique names?


Regex also can be used with VBA for automating the task on hand but you need to know the exact list of unique names.



Edited by kyber
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