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which password manager/s do you guys recommend ?


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hey techies ,

howz it going ??

well i was just managing all the personal info and data ,

when i thought of asking you guys about your reviews , for how u do it / prefer ....

seeing the increasing number of identity thefts each day ( via any which way possible ) , keeping and storing and regularly changing your passwords is important , in today's internet age .....

i personally been using Roboform for managing all the details .

and before that i used KeePass .

RoboForm seemed to me a bit more interesting , so sticked to it ..

but the free version limits you only 10 passcards and also has only a limited online back up ...

just came across LastPass from FF add ons page .

seemed interesting :think: ( different way of working and free , only some extra features in premium , which can be done away with )

so what do you guys prefer ?




FF extensions ( plenty of them ....)

My password safe





the browsers default password managers ....?

or some other offline / online style , your own way ?


u would rather generate your own passwords and keep a safe note of it in your personal diary ?

are these passwords managers all safe as they report to be ,,or some if not all,, have some thing phishy about them and we should rather stay away from such ??

what you say ????:think:

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Last Pass is really a good choice;as you said it is free,and you can use it from every computer,you just have to enter your mail and password.

ROboform is also a good second choice.It think they are two versions,one free and one "Pro" ,wich you can easily find. :sneaky:

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I use the identity safe feature in NIS 2010. It's becoming common for security suites to include some kind of password manager. There is no limit on cards or anything that I am aware of.

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You know, there are a lot of ways to store your names, IDS, and passwords, and personal information...

My solution... Don't store anything on your system.. and make sure its all wiped or never put in...

My Personal Identity, usernames, passwords, numbers of any kind.... are never stored on my system, browsers, programs or anything else.. ( though it would be nice to be able to use the vCard feature in Windows.. and actually keep a contacts list.. )

I also will NOT under any circumstances use another system for any purposes. I will not log in to anything.. or even use a site account of any kind.

Acronis Try & Decide helps with this somewhat when I need it to.. Should I keep anything on this system, it goes into an encrypted document, the information itself which is in the document is also lightly encrypted and another programs has to be used to decrypt it..with a password..after decypting the document password protected then, compressed and protected with AES 256, which has another password.. :) Sounds redundant.. and it sort of is but creates quite an issue... :thumbsup: and its never as complicated as it sounds.. but even at that i would never keep the information mentioned above this way..

If you don't want people in your things, you make a door you can shut, and then people find a way through the door.. always.. its relatively easy for some.. So get rid of the door.. and leave nothing. Just my take on it.. and even using my methods, if you are ignorant as to the ways that most go about cracking passwords and accounts.. or obtaining information.. ( basics here ) follow guidelines and don't keep it simple, or ever repeat names or even passwords unless there isn't anything to really loose or gain from it..know what really is an asset..

If you use a credit card online.. make sure it has a low limit, and is not directly connected any of your main stuff.. ( bank accounts, so on )

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yup trying lastpass ,

seems interesting than roboform .

and roboform free has limited features as i said .


i had NIS 2009 before i switched over too Nod32.

storing the data locally on your pc with norton is a good choice , but what if you have to access the info some where but not ur pc ?

@Night Owl

thanks for the link mate .

knew of this .

but dont you think some better free choices are available , like roboform and last pass , than paying for such a service ?


thanks ,

m trying lastpass after roboform .


you paid for the roboform pro ????

dint you like lastpass ?

ur take on it ?


you put it right ,

the best cure is prevention !

but i think its a bit extra of regular paranoia .

i think its not possible not storing your info on your pc or any other media . ( well, atleast for me ..)

if u use the password generators that come along with the application , to make a strong randomly generated password for any of your account , the password is almost so difficult to remember . even if u are able to remember it for one site , remembering it for whole lot off your accounts is almost a job ,,i think ,,,even Einstein wouldnt bother to spend his head on .


on a second note ,

my laptop cannot be with me all the time .

sometimes i do have to access my mails from some where but not my laptop .

then ???

the password managers too, keep your data encrypted on your pc .

lastpass for example says , it encrypts the data with the password we give it along with our email id in AES 256 bit algorithm and then stores it.

everytime we open the vault , it is decrypted and then again encrypted back after log off .

when syncing online , it never transmits the password but only some randomly generated hash , to identify us over secure 256 bit AES SSL connection .

this is what it says .....

and if i keep my data on my pc ,

i keep it encrypted using TrueCrypt or AxCrypt .

never tried Acronis . but heard about this one feature of it ( try n decide ) before also from you only ..

i ll be trying Acronis in a few days time to image my drive ..

so ,

that was my concern .

that which password manager is the best and does it do what it says,, all well ( like what last pass says ...) ?

a unanimous personal favorite of the majority ?????

what does the rest of nsaners say about this ?????


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you paid for the roboform pro ????

Hell no . . . . . . . . . never, :pirate: :pirate: never have to pay (it's available on the FP) :sneaky:

dint you like lastpass ?

ur take on it ?

Was using both LastPass and RoboForm Pro simultaneously. However, found myself to be using RoboForm Pro more frequently due to it's user friendliness. Theoretically, some reviews have found LastPass marginally better. In actual use though, I find RoboForm Pro miles ahead.

but i think its a bit extra of regular paranoia .

Techies would like to refer to it as an extra layer of security (precaution.) :coolwink:

i think its not possible not storing your info on your pc or any other media . ( well, atleast for me ..)

if u use the password generators that come along with the application , to make a strong randomly generated password for any of your account , the password is almost so difficult to remember . even if u are able to remember it for one site , remembering it for whole lot off your accounts is almost a job ,,i think ,,,even Einstein wouldnt bother to spend his head on .


on a second note ,

my laptop cannot be with me all the time .

sometimes i do have to access my mails from some where but not my laptop .

then ???

I use 83 accounts on 2 laptops and a desktop situated in 3 different locations. You can synchronize data online using the native 'GoodSync' or some other Synchronizer of your choice. I prefer offline synchronizing. B)

lastpass for example says , it encrypts the data with the password we give it along with our email id in AES 256 bit algorithm and then stores it.

everytime we open the vault , it is decrypted and then again encrypted back after log off .

when syncing online , it never transmits the password but only some randomly generated hash , to identify us over secure 256 bit AES SSL connection .

All these features are standard offering. :D

so ,

that was my concern .

that which password manager is the best and does it do what it says,, all well ( like what last pass says ...) ?

Try them all . . . . . . . . for yourself. The best one may not necessarily suit your style of computing. :yes:

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@Night Owl

thanks for the link mate .

knew of this .

but dont you think some better free choices are available , like roboform and last pass , than paying for such a service ?

Pay? :pirate: Pay? :pirate: Argh, Matey. Shiver me timbers!! Who said anything about paying?

I think you've confused me for someone else. ;) ;) :D

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@Night Owl

thanks for the link mate .

knew of this .

but dont you think some better free choices are available , like roboform and last pass , than paying for such a service ?

Pay? :pirate: Pay? :pirate: Argh, Matey. Shiver me timbers!! Who said anything about paying?

I think you've confused me for someone else. ;) ;) :D

lol ...


yeah @night owl , @dcs18

i kind of expected this reply !!!!!

pay ????

i thought this ,,, what am i typing ???? :tooth: :P

( but just let it , as it is ......)


but thanks dcs for bringing that roboform is on FP to my notice .

i never knew it ....:doh:

time being am using last pass .

and m liking it ...


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