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All wars are bad. Let us make sure we do not fight them on nsaneforums


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Wars never change.


There are many types of war. Some are direct wars, some are proxy wars, some are cyber wars, some are propaganda wars.


Wars too are not new. We know about the two great wars, they are neither first ones nor the only ones. Wars have been fought in mediaeval times, ancient times and even times before that. They might, going by track records, continue in future too.


Wars are not limited to current situation either. Wars have happened in Europe, they have happened in Americas, wars have happened in Arab countries, they have happened in Africa, they have happened in Asia. There is not a large location in the world which has not seen any type of war.


There is one major problem in all these wars.  No matter which side is one on. While big people fight wars, it is always the common people who are the suffers of these wars. Big people fight wars either to satisfy their ego, or satisfy their hate, or satisfy their selfish ideas of ruling over the places they do not have control on. Ultimately, it is the commoners which suffer the consequences while big people enjoy being largely unaffected by all this. Again, no matter what side.


These people who claim to be fighting for the people are themselves causing the biggest suffering to the people - the human population, no matter what race, religion, country or creed. Everyone suffers while big people play war games. That suffering can be violent based, economy based or some other way.


They fight with their murdering machines, destroying every sense of humanity in themselves, while destroying the life of others with no remorse or sense of emotions. Everyone does this while commoners watch helplessly. As they know only big men can start the war and ultimately only big men can stop them.


No one knows how long this one will last. Or what will be the long term outcome of it. Whether it will lead to the third great war or not, no one knows.


Rather than actually thinking about the suffering the world has faced due to the pandemic and the long term economic consequences of it, big men have decided to fight wars.


We at nsaneforums do not need to bring this war to the forums.


We at nsaneforums always maintained that we remain free forums with access to every good intending humans who want to share ideas about software and technology. This idea is also an important part of our Guidelines:



nsane.forums aims to provide equal opportunities to its members. We intend to treat all of our members without discrimination due to race, color, age, sex, religion / creed, species, sexual orientation, marital status, political standing or disability. In keeping with these guidelines, we expect you as individuals, to stay true to these beliefs.


Committing to these ideas. We welcome and will continue to welcome all people from all parts of the world. Without discrimination or politics.


That is why it is important. That nsane.forums does not become a battleground for conflicting political ideas where members, instead of discussing software and technology - what this forums is all about, are busy hating each other because of their location or political ideologies.


Really, we have seen how political discussions have lead to needless fighting. Leading to friends becoming potential enemies.


That is why. I will remind members of another important Guidelines:



This forum revolves around topics of a technical nature, which happen to be discussed by people from many nationalities, ethnicities and political backgrounds. In order to focus on what unites us all, rather than what divides us, cultural, national and/or political issues are not to be discussed. Members engaging in such discussions will receive a warning.


Reminding the above. I request members to refrain from fighting any wars on the nsaneforums.


Meanwhile, please pray for the stop of wars and betterment of the common people out there who are the receiving side of wars, no matter which part of the world they are in. Because all of us are humans, you and me and everyone out there.

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