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[Expired] abylon CRYPTDRIVE v22


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abylon CRYPTDRIVEDiscount

Create Encrypted Volumes for Your Sensitive Data

abylon CRYPTDRIVE lets you create software encrypted containers for your important files, locking them safely away using 256-bit and 448-bit encryption. With abylon CRYPTDRIVE, you'll be able to access your encrypted drive using a password, smart card, CD/DVD, or removable memory stick, making the drive appear in Windows Explorer like any other volume. Tying secure access to a physical device means even greater security for your important data!

Once opened, you can work with your abylon CRYPTDRIVE like any other drive, with encryption and decryption occurring on the fly as you work. Even if you have a lot of files to protect, there's no need to worry - abylon CRYPTDRIVE supports encrypted containers up to 128Gb in size!

Please note folks: abylon CRYPTDRIVE can run under windows 10 64bit. Furthermore, the encrypted container will be stored in the folder "My Documents", which makes the import easier.


Today's promotion includes the following:
abylon CRYPTDRIVE - Giveaway version v22 ($0)
abylon CRYPTDRIVE - 1 Commercial License ($18.75)
    • - Negative window coordinates are intercepted
    • - Display of a wait dialog when starting the program
    • - Various optimizations and accelerations
    • - Minor and major optimizations
    • - New functions
    • - Increase in speed
    • - Additional languages French and Spanish
    • - All new features can be found on our version history page: https://www.abylonsoft.com/cryptdrive/versionshistory.htm
    • Today's promotion includes the following:
      abylon CRYPTDRIVE - Giveaway version v22 ($0)
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