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Little bit o a modding project with Xbox Gamepass


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Hey All,


For a bit of context, Xbox Gamepass is a subscription game platform that I've been trying out and really enjoying. However, all the games are installed through the microsoft store and as someone who likes to mod games, it means I can't access the game's install folder, or so microsoft would prefer...

Here's the setup, the games are installed in \program files\windowsapps\%game folder%

getting access to the \windowsapps and associated permission is the easy part. I can create folders in \windowsapps, delete things etc. However, I cannot modify subdirectories in the game folders.

i.e. I can create
\%games folder%\my test folder

but I could not go into any of the existing folder in \%games folder% and do this. For example, I cannot create:
\%games folder%\Binaries\my test folder

Now, the problem is simple to diagnose, for some reason, my permissions from \windowsapps  did no propagate that far. I'm the owner and have full control of \%game folder% but not it's sub-directories.  But I cannot change that... Unlike the \windowsapps folder, as the owner of \%game folder%, it won't let me change its permissions or ownership. The add, remove, and change owner options are greyed out. It seems I can only affect \%game folder% permissions by propagating them from \windowsapps. To add to that, I have absolutely no authority over the \%game folder% sub directories, I'm neither the owner, nor have permission, and all the options are greyed out.


Another set of observations:
the \%game folder% permissions are all inherited from either \windowsapps or \program files. The \%game folder% sub-directories have no inherited permissions, they're all explicit and nothing has more than read & execute permissions.


Not sure if anyone has any suggestions for how to get around this. Thanks for the help!

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