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TeamViewer Problem


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I have used TeamViewer Free for at least 10 years for free with no problems. Now all of I sudden I connect with friends to fix their computers and after 10-15 seconds it disconnects and says your free session is over or something like that. You can't try again for hours?? I never had the paid version or any fixes associated with it so this isn't the reason????? Anyone else?

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may be your TeamViewer falsely detect it as commercial usage due to heavy usage,  or If your on Windows Server operating system, this will classify your usage as commercial usage.

Read More:




contact Teamviewer for reset > https://www.teamviewer.com/en/reset-management/




Try alternative product like Anydesk




change your MAC address using third party tools

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yes this problem has been known for a while, sometimes you can wrongly be blamed to use TV for professional use for some reason. It happened to me frequently and for a long time, I wondered how I would be able to resolve this issue definitely until i found by chance a efficent solution to this.


To solve this issue, you can use a great tool called TV Tools Alter which allows to change the ID anytime you want everytime you face this very limited connection remotely. All you have to do is to run the tool then select "Free" then immediately after that the ID changes. After that you need to close TV and open it again and you will notice by yourself that the ID is different and this way you will be able to connect again remotely for unlimited time.


You can get the tool here :


Site : https://www.upload.ee

Sharecode : /files/13510668/TVTools_AlterID_v2.0.rar.html


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